Advanced Concrete Technology

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Advanced Concrete Technology Course
Engineers, architects, technologists, and field inspectors will benefit from this course, as it offers a thorough exploration of modern concrete technology. The course covers every aspect, starting from mixture design and extending to the transportation, handling, curing, field control tests, and on-site performance of concrete. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of each stage involved in concrete technology.
Moreover, students will receive soft copies of the course materials, including chapters and presentations summarizing the key concepts discussed in each chapter. This additional resource will facilitate further study and serve as a valuable reference for participants beyond the duration of the course.
Course Objectives:
This course will provide engineers, architects, technologists, and field inspectors with a comprehensive understanding of modern concrete technology, covering all aspects from mixture design, to transporting, to handling, to curing to field control tests and on-site performance. Students will also take home soft copies of the chapters and presentations summarizing each chapter.
Who Should Attend?
Engineers, architects, technologists, and field inspectors.
Course Outlines:
The course consists of 17 chapters as follows:
- Fundamentals of Concrete
- Portland, blended and other hydraulic cements
- Fly ash, slag, silica fume, and other natural pozzolans
- Mixing water for concrete
- Aggregates for concrete
- Admixtures for concrete
- Fibers and fiber reinforced concrete
- Air-entrained concrete
- Designing and proportioning normal concrete mixtures
- Batching, mixing, transporting and handling concrete mixtures
- Placing and finishing concrete
- Curing concrete
- Hot-weather concreting
- Volume changes of concrete
- Control tests for concrete
- High-performance concrete
- Special types of concrete