Advanced Geosteering

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Advanced Geosteering Course
The primary objective of this advanced course is to foster comprehension of geosteering techniques and associated considerations. The course begins by introducing the fundamental principles of geosteering and subsequently guides participants through a series of lectures accompanied by practical exercises in geosteering.
To attend this training course, it is recommended that participants have prior experience in Wellsite Geology and Geosteering or possess a minimum of three years' experience in operational geology. This prerequisite ensures that attendees are equipped with the necessary foundational knowledge or practical background to effectively engage with the course material.
Course Objectives:
You will learn
- Learn the logging while drilling tools.
- Learn real-time data transmission systems.
- Understand the Geosteering system, team, and software.
- Understand the types of directional wells and the horizontal laterals.
- Plan for Geosteering projects and gather the information needed before running the Geosteering job.
- Create the synthetic log and prepare the Geosteering model for the horizontal section & the earth model.
- Learn the various aspects, types, and applications of the well geology process Geostering.
- Enable participants to evaluate rock resources and understand the importance of geological mechanics in the development of oil fields.
- Learn to guide horizontal wells and borehole path.
- Enable participants to interpret and analyze geological field data, as well as drawing regional groundwater maps.
- Learn about computer modeling.
- Enable participants to create unexpected models records before you start the process of drilling and comparing the actual record to determine the geographical location.
Who Should Attend?
Senior well site and operations geoscientists, development and exploration geoscientists, drilling engineers, directional drilling and MWD personnel.
Course Outlines:
- Introduction to Geosteering
- Geosteering definitions
- LWD and Formation Systems and Tools
- Geosteering Software, Systems, and Projects
- Geosteering Applications and Operations
- Geosteering: Pre-planning (Know the target reservoir. Optimum planning, uncertainty planning, contingency planning, preplanning document)
- Geosteering resources (drilling parameters, drill cuttings, LWD tools and geophysical tools)
- Geosteering methods (follow the plan, visual MWD interpretation, geophysical steering, measured depth modeling, true stratigraphic position modeling)
- Geosteering simulation (geosteering team interaction, geosteering simulation in carbonate and clastic reservoirs)
- Active geosteering (four keys to successfully steer a horizontal well, geosteering pitfalls and limitations, the geosteering team, target stages, communication of target changes)