Health, Safety, Security and Environment
Advanced Risk Management Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) in Process Plants

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Advanced Risk Management Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) in Process Plants Course
Course Objectives:
This risk management training course looks at risk from different perspectives and analyses the possibilities for managing it in each situation. It focuses primarily on operational, project, and reputational risk management.
Who Should Attend?
This course is aimed at all Personnel involved in loss control and accident prevention. The program is based on multi-disciplinary approach, which includes all personnel from Senior Management to Supervisors.
Course Outlines:
Introduction to Risk Assessment
- Course introduction: delegate and tutor introductions; course objectives
- Introduction to HSE Management Systems
- Integrating risk assessment within Risk Management
- Semi-quantitative risk assessment techniques- machinery based
- The task-based approach to risk assessment
- Syndicate exercise: Working in small groups
- Feedback and review of day 1.
Hazard & Operability Studies ‘HAZOP’
- Introduction to hazards identification and analysis techniques
- Techniques for hazard identification and analysis- HAZOP
- Syndicate exercise- application of HAZOP to relevant processes
- Planning and implementing within risk management system
- Report back and review of day 2
Analysis of the Consequences
- Introduction into reliability technology
- Failure Modes and Effects Analysis ‘FMEA’
- Failures of Permit-to-work systems: video presentation on Piper Alpha
- Analysis of the consequences- mechanics of fire, explosion and toxic releases
- Role of Fault Tree Analysis to identify how accidents can happen
- Group exercise on FTA
- Report back and review of day 3
Human Factors and Reliability
- Introduction to human factors and human error
- Hierarchical task analysis ‘HTA’
- Task-based HAZOP: Application to critical activities onshore and offshore
- Working in small groups on task-based HAZOPs
- Report back
- Integrating human factor within HSE management system- The Bhopal disaster
Quantified Risk Assessment ‘QRA’
- Introduction to Quantified Risk Assessment ‘QRA’
- The role of Event Tree Analysis in scenario development
- The role of Fault Tree Analysis for multi-causation analysis
- Applications for ETA and FTA
- Case Study: Working in small groups on accident analysis
- Preparation of action plans, planning and implementing
- Report back and discussion
- Personal action plans, program review and the way ahead.