Agilent Chromatography Technology

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Agilent Chromatography Technology Course
This course is specifically designed for individuals who are responsible for the preventive maintenance and initial level repairs of the Agilent 7890A/B GC and 7683/7693 ALS systems. It covers various aspects of preventive maintenance, including Purged Packed and Split/Splitless inlets, FID and TCD detectors, as well as mainframe and electronics hardware. While the training will utilize the current version of OL ChemStation software, the course is software-independent and applicable to different instrument controllers.
Course Objectives:
- On completion of this program, you will understand what is meant by all the parameters in an LC analytical method, follow an HPLC analytical method to set up an LC system for analysis, run an LC analytical method and acquire chromatographic results, interpret chromatograms obtained from LC analysis, and calculate analytical results for HPLC analysis.
- Also, the program covers major components of gas chromatography; operating principles; calibration methods; preventative maintenance; troubleshooting methods; quantitative methods; set-up procedures; and failure modes for each, along with practical examples. Preventative maintenance is also covered with an emphasis on analysis and troubleshooting methods.
Who Should Attend?
Laboratory personnel and technical staff such as chemists, analysts, chemical engineers, and anybody interested in chemical analysis, research and development, environmental studies, quality control, refineries, petrochemical plants, water and wastewater plants, hospitals and medical centers.
Course Outlines:
- Introduction to Logical Troubleshooting
- Agilent 7890 Diagnostics
- Inlets Overview and Lab
- Chromatography fundamentals and separation techniques
- Theory parameters
- Introduction to Liquid Chromatography
- Analytical LC Systems
- 1220 Infinity LC Systems
- 1260 Infinity LC Systems
- 1290 Infinity II LC Systems
- 1290 Infinity LC Systems
- Extended LC Systems & Application Solutions
- 2D-LC Solution
- Bio-inert LC Solutions
- High Dynamic Range Impurity Analyzer Solutions
- High-Throughput Solutions
- Method Transfer Solution
- Multi-Column/Multi-Solvent Solutions
- Online SPE Solutions
- SFC Solutions (Analytical)
- LC Purification Systems
- Low-flow LC Systems
- LC Pumps & Vacuum Degassers
- LC Injection Systems
- LC Fraction Collectors
- LC Thermostatted Column Compartments
- LC Detectors
- LC Valve Solutions
- LC Instrument Control
- LC Columns
- Small Molecule Separations
- Biomolecule Separations
- Kits
- Column Hardware
- LC Supplies
- Capillaries and Fittings
- Maintenance Kits and Tools
- LC Instrument Modules Rack
- Valves
- Solvent and In-Line Filters
- Pumps
- Autosamplers
- Syringes
- Lamps and Detectors
- Thermostatted Column Compartment
- Bio-inert Supplies (UHPLC)
- Fraction Collectors
- Mass Spectrometry
- Standards
- Chip LC
- Capillaries and Fittings
- Introduction to Gas Chromatography
- Operating conditions and standard operating procedures
- The carrier gas and pressure regulator systems
- Sample introduction components
- Split/splitless inlet system
- Cool on-column inlet and programmed temperature vaporization inlet
- Column configuration
- Detector types and configuration
- Software
- Retention process
- Manipulation methods
- Standard operation methods
- Successful and safe operating procedures
- Maintenance and installation procedure for inject system, column, and detectors
- Approaches to solving gas chromatography problems
- Instrument problems and troubleshooting:
- band broadening,
- broaden in initial peak bandwidths,
- retention gap sampling, sampling by solute focusing,
- retention gaps tube,
- baseline deviation,
- noisy baseline,
- spikes in the baseline,
- peak shape problems,
- flat top peaks,
- split peaks,
- negative peaks,
- retention changes,
- ghost peak,
- causes and prevention of column damage,