Engineering and Maintenance
API118 - API Test 2015/2016: Tank Entry Supervisor Program

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API118 - API Test 2015/2016: Tank Entry Supervisor Program Course
Course Objectives:
The participants will gain in-depth knowledge of the following API recommended practices 2015, 2016, 2026, 2207 & 2219.
- Develop plans for tank cleaning and preparatory works, safety requirements for safe entry, continued assurance of safe atmosphere both inside and outside, preventive methods, ventilating confines space for human entry and repairs, carrying out initial entry test assessing fitness for tank entry. Work permits, communication methods and emergency procedures while working in confines space.
- This course will inspire the participants to gain mastery in the tank entry & supervision as per API body of knowledge and prepare them to take the certification exam.
Who Should Attend?
Storage tank operators, supervisors, engineers involved in Oil & Gas storage tank operations, maintenance, engineering & safety who wish to pursue API certification to comply with statutory regulations from petroleum, petrochemical, chemical, LNG & natural gas industry.
Course Outlines:
Basics of Storage tanks – types / classifications
- Construction methods – general knowledge & short overview
- API exam syllabus, affectivity of applicable codes.
- Work permit system
- Various permits / permitting requirements
- Storage tank de-commissioning & isolation.
- Cleaning of storage tanks – hazards identification
- Removing and safe handling of residual product
- Isolation of tank, lock out – tag out
- Using pumps/vacuum for evacuating product, basic electrical safety
- Degassing / Ventilating / Inserting- differences & equipment’s.
- Methods of ventilation & placing equipment’s.
- Methods of de-gassing.
Calculation of flow rates for air flows, ventilating air changes.
- Atmospheric testing / Gas testing
- PEL & TLV requirements, converting percentage values to ppm values.
- Initial inspection & assessment for tank entry.
- Entry to floating roofs
- Preparing floating roof tanks for cleaning, repairs.
- Returning tanks to service.
- OSHAS standards for storage tanks entry & repairing activities.
- API RP 2015 – Safe entry & cleaning of tanks overview
API RP 2016 – Guidelines for entry & cleaning of storage tanks.
- API RP 2026 – Safe access/egress on floating roof tanks.
API RP 2207 – preparing tank bottoms for hot work
- API RP 2219 – Safe operation of vacuum trucks
- Daily review of lessons learnt through exercises
- Mock exam & evaluation
- Exam tips
- Resources for furthering knowledge.
- Current trends & developments for tank cleaning / robotic inspection.