ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code : Section VIII, Division 1, Design and Fabrication of Pressure

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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code : Section VIII, Division 1, Design and Fabrication of Pressure Course
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the regulations governing the design and construction of pressure vessels. It focuses specifically on the requirements outlined in Section VIII, Division 1 of the applicable standards. The course covers a wide range of topics, including the background and organization of the code, design principles, materials selection, fabrication techniques, inspection procedures, testing methodologies, and documentation requirements for pressure vessels.
The course will primarily focus on the more commonly used subsections and paragraphs of Section VIII, Division 1. Additionally, it will include discussions and problem-solving sessions to address specific scenarios and challenges that may arise in practice.
This course is designed to cater to both beginners who are new to pressure vessel design and experienced vessel designers who wish to refresh and update their knowledge of the Code.
Course Objectives:
- Understand the background of the Code rules
- Apply the Code rules to more common design and fabrication situations
- Perform calculations for some of the loadings and situations not addresses by the Code
- Prepare design specifications, design reports, Data Reports, and other documentation
Who Should Attend?
Individuals are involved with the purchase, design, fabrication, or inspection of pressure vessels. Some degree of technical background will be helpful, but such individuals are not required to have an Engineering degree or previous work experience in the subject matter.
Course Outlines:
- Code rules, scope and jurisdiction
- General requirements related to materials and testing
- Material toughness and impact testing requirements
- Joint categories and joint efficiencies
- General requirements related to stamping, reports, testing, PWHT, tolerances, and NDE.s
- Welding requirements
- Committees, operation and voting procedures
- Editions, addenda and interpretations
- Design Requirements
- Design loadings and allowable stresses
- Design criteria and strength theory for Division 1
- Formulas for internal pressure and tensile loading
- Procedures for external pressure (vacuum) and compressive loads
- Openings and reinforcement
- Hydrostatic and pneumatic testing
- Background of the design rules
- Example design problems and solutions
- Cylindrical shells and formed heads
- Seismic loading on vertical vessels
- Nozzle reinforcements
- Other special components
- External pressure and stiffening rings
- Reinforced openings and ligament efficiency
- Open discussion of design problems