ASME Section IX Welding Codes and Metallurgy for Carbon/Alloy Steel

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ASME Section IX Welding Codes and Metallurgy for Carbon/Alloy Steel Course
This course serves as an introductory program aimed at providing participants with a fundamental understanding of the proper application and interpretation of ASME Section IX - Welding Qualifications Code, as well as its associated ASME construction codes. The primary objective of the course is achieved through a structured curriculum that begins with a comprehensive review of ASME Sec. IX.
Following the review, one day is dedicated to studying the essential aspects of base metal metallurgy and welding metallurgy, which form the foundation of ASME IX. The fourth day focuses on the welding components of related ASME construction codes, namely Section VIII-1, B31.1, and B31.3, and explores the interactions between ASME Sec. IX and each of these codes. The material covered in the earlier metallurgy sessions is reinforced through practical workshops.
Course Objectives:
Upon the successful completion of this course, the participants should be able to:
- To introduce participants to the purpose and methodology of Welding Qualifications
- Learn how to understand, interpret, and comply with ASME Section IX requirements
- How to conduct Procedure and Welder Tests, and certification of welders
- To provide a step-by-step approach in the preparation of WPS, PQR, and WPQ records
- To know Essential, Non-essential and Supplementary Essential Variables, and their use
- Review welding processes/variables and basic welding metallurgy
- Review, scrutinize and accept or reject sub-contractor’s Welding procedures and Welders
Who Should Attend?
Inspectors, welders, welding supervisors, quality control personnel, technologists, and engineers involved with new welding procedures and welder qualifications for new fabrication, repairs, maintenance, and inspection for pressure vessel or piping. This course is also designed to assist ABSA Welding Examiner, Pressure Equipment Inspector, and CSA W178.2 exam candidates.
Course Outlines:
Safety Codes Acts
- Overview of Pressure Equipment Safety Regulations
- Pressure Welders Regulation
General Review to ASME IX
- General requirements
- Procedure qualifications
- Performance qualifications
- Welding data
- Development of ASME Section IX
- Overview of ASME Section IX
- Relationship of Section IX to Other Codes
- A brief review of Welding processes SMAW, SAW, GTAW, GMAW,
- A brief review of Welding consumables, AWS and ASME classification
- Requirements for Procedure Qualification
- The requirement of performance qualification
- Welding variables- Essential, non-essential, Supplementary
- Documentation of PQR tests
ASME Section IX - WPS, PQR, WPQ Reviews
- Several workshops will be conducted to allow each participant to develop the required skills to review WPS, PQR, and WPQ documents
Base Metal Metallurgy of Carbon and Alloy Steels
- Basic carbon steel metallurgy (crystalline structures, grains, microstructures: ferrite, pearlite, banite, martensite)
- Using the Fe-Fe3C phase diagram in practical terms
- Common heat treatments for carbon steel and effect on mechanical properties (annealing, normalizing, quench and tempering)
- Ductile to brittle behavior of steels - grain size (ASTM No.), microstructures, low-temperature notch toughness, and anisotropy
- Alloying steels and their effects on hardenability and weldability
- Material test reports and what they really mean
Welding Metallurgy of Carbon and Alloy Steels
- The various weld zones and metallurgical heat-affected zones using fundamental principles of welding metallurgy
- Use of carbon equivalence to predict weldability
- Hydrogen assisted cracking related to welding (toe cracking, cold cracking, delayed cracking, HAZ cracking, and under bead cracking)
- Preheating and postweld heat treat in practical terms to avoid cracking and improve weldability
Base Metal and Filler Metal Specifications (ASME Section II Parts A and C)
- Classification of steels - UNS, SAE, ASTM, ASME
- ASME SA-106, SA-516, SA-333, SA-387, and SA-312
- AWS classification of filler metals, SFA No., F No., and A No.
- ASME SFA-5.1 and SFA-5.5
Developing a WPS/PQR for ASME Sec. VIII-1, B31.1, B31.3
- Each attendee will participate to write new construction and maintenance welding procedures in accordance with ASME Section VIII - Pressure Vessels, ASME B31.1 - Power Boilers and ASME B31.3 - Process Piping
- These welding procedures will be reviewed and discussed in detail during the class