Best Practices In Multishift Operations Achieving Operational Excellence In Multishift Management

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Best Practices In Multishift Operations Achieving Operational Excellence In Multishift Management Course
In this course, you will gain insights into the strategies employed by the world's most successful companies to effectively manage multiple-shift and 24-hour operations, ensuring exceptional performance in both people and processes. In today's highly competitive industries, continuous improvement is crucial for sustained success. To remain competitive, 24-hour operations must constantly strive for the highest standards of performance.
Operating a facility safely and efficiently around the clock requires the application of best practices for shift working. However, managing multiple shifts presents challenges due to potential fatigue and communication gaps resulting from personnel changes every few hours. These challenges can significantly increase the risk of incidents and operational issues, such as reduced throughput, ineffective communication, and increased waste.
By understanding and implementing the shift working best practices covered in this course, you will be equipped to overcome these challenges and optimize the performance of your 24-hour operations, ensuring safety, efficiency, and continuous improvement.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
· Recognize and appreciate the issues associated with 24/7 shift operation.
· Identify strategies to deal with the issues.
· Benchmark your performance against that of world-class facilities & explore alternative shift schedules.
· Develop effective Shift Supervisors.
· Create an Action Plan for continuous improvement back at work.
Who Should Attend?
This course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit delegates new to shift working environments, as well as those with many years experience of shift work, from both process and non-process industries, namely:
- Plant/operations personnel and managers, shift supervisors and shift team leaders
- Personnel interested in Quality and Quality Assurance
- Maintenance and Engineering Personnel
- Training & Development Personnel
- Personnel from Logistics or Network Support Teams
Course Outlines:
Understanding the issues associated with shift working
- Shift Working Self-Assessment - How does your operation measure up?
- Communication
- Continuity of operation and Consistency of approach
- Benchmarking against world-class operations
- Shift-to-shift handover
- Fatigue and its consequences and other People issues
Sharing the specific issues of the course delegates
Case Studies
Effective Communications, Effective Shift Handover & Continuity of Operation
- Deliver effective management communication to all shifts
- Improve shift leader-team communications
- Develop effective interfaces across shifts
- Best practices for effective shift handover and Start of shift meetings
- Teamwork
- Effective standard operating procedures
- Training and developing Shift Teams
Case Studies
Developing Effective Shift Supervisors, Continuous Improvement/Kaizen in 24-Hour Operations
- Evolution of the role of supervisor
- Training and developing effective supervisors
- Benchmarking performance of supervisors
- Understanding CI
- Workplace organization, 5S and TPS
- Management visibility/GEMBA
Case Studies
Dealing with Fatigue, Pros and Cons of Different Shift Systems
- The body clock and circadian rhythms
- Causes of fatigue & Fatigue Countermeasures
- Ergonomics
- History of shift working
- Alternative Shift Schedules
- Analysis of delegates' shift schedules and issues
Case Studies
Dealing with People Issues on Shift
- Managing performance
- Dealing with poor performance
- Improving Motivation and Counseling
- Discipline
- Consistency of approach
Applying the Learning - Group Vision and Action Plan
Case Studies