Building Preventive Maintenance Training
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Building Preventive Maintenance Training Course
Just as individuals age, structures also undergo a continual aging process. However, with proper care, examination, and timely treatment, structures can maintain their health and functionality as they grow older. In this context, one can consider this course as a reference guide for structural physicians.
It can be argued that a structure that has successfully endured the combined effects of usage, external forces, environmental conditions, and time has indeed proven its resilience. Nevertheless, buildings and other structures do experience deterioration over time due to repeated loads, exposure to the elements, material aging, normal wear and tear, abuse, inadequate maintenance, and various other factors.
Course Objectives:
- To understand the philosophy and significance of codes and standards
- To learn about the uncertainty associated with loads and load effects
- To understand the causes and mechanisms leading to deficient structures
- To workout preventive measures to counteract deterioration of structures
- To plan effective maintenance programs
- To understand the nature of innovative technology and new materials
- To learn about specific needs and requirements for concrete, steel and other Structures
- To comprehend the role of the designer, the contractor and the supervision in producing sound structures
- To provide an overview for the role of effective management
- To learn from past lessons
- To learn from historical structures that stood the test of time
Who Should Attend?
This course is designed to meet the needs primarily of executive managers, working in the area of civil engineering construction, and facing the challenges of maintaining and preserving good, sound buildings. It is also useful for structural engineers, quality assurance experts, construction and supervision engineers, owners, and managers of constructed facilities.
It is expected that a number of the attendees will find the information beneficial and useful addition to their reference library even though they are not directly practicing in the field. Engineers involved in design, supervision, construction, or planning will find many direct links with their practice and requirements and can put the information provided to use immediately.
Course Outlines:
- Codes and standards
- Why do we need the codes?
- Past and current structural codes and standards
- The multidisciplinary design effort
- Design – construction process
- Design standards and their relationship to structural performance
- Construction standards
- List of 100 most frequently cited Asha construction standards
- Drawings and specifications
- Technical specifications
- Shop drawings
- Document review
- Design and construction checklists
- The uniform code for building conservation
- Loads and hazards: their nature, magnitude, and consequences
- Establishing the loads and load effects on the structure
- Safety of structures
- Serviceability of structures
- Establishing the capacity of the structure
- Critical characteristics of steel structures
- Critical characteristics of concrete structures
- Accelerated testing
- Cumulative error
- Computer software
- The dangers of computer analysis
- Reliability-based condition assessment
- Structural reliability
- Parallel systems
- General systems
- Performance prediction
- Updating
- Steel buildings – common areas of deficiency
- Reinforced and prestressed concrete buildings – common areas of deficiency
- Human perceptions of durability
- A summary of seismic deficiencies and design constraints
- Maintenance versus repair
- Different maintenance options
- Accepting undesirable existing conditions
- Preventing deterioration
- Preventive measures
- Case studies
- Strategies for maintenance and repair
- Condition survey
- initial site visit
- Data acquisition
- Condition survey
- Detailed inspections
- Tools and equipment
- Common problems
- Sampling for test specimens
- Testing procedures
- Investigation summary
- Peer review
- Project delivery methods
- Changing technology
- Innovative materials
- Typical structural challenges
- Lessons from the past
- Lessons from historical structures
- Monitoring programs
- Unforeseen problems
- Some practical tips
- A word of caution
- Old age death
- The weaknesses of mother earth
- The future of structures
- Challenges of the 21st century