Calibration and Testing of Electrical Measuring Instruments
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Calibration and Testing of Electrical Measuring Instruments Course
A quick overview of measuring standards, traceability, units of measurement, basic vocabulary, and error kinds is given at the beginning of the course. Next, papers and calibration standards pertaining to electrical item calibration are covered in the course. The uncertainty of the measurements is reviewed briefly. After that, the course goes into great detail about calibration tools and methods. First, electrical instrument calibration is covered using precision tools like power supplies, oscillators, counters, function generators, VOM devices, RF power instrumentation, temperature simulation and measurement tools, and fiber-optic instruments.
Course Objectives:
Attention will focus more on generic processes and theory of individual measurements than on how to calibrate a specific instrument. We will explore the background and theory of precision measurements in voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance, frequency, and LF/RF power. Further discussion of measurement and theory in noise, total harmonic distortion, phase angle, modulation, and the rise time will be pursued in detail. The instructor presents the course aided by overhead PowerPoint slides. Students are expected to participate in classroom discussions and exercises.
Who Should Attend?
This course is intended for personnel involved in metrology, instrumentation, and various testing activities.
Course Outlines:
Introduction and Focus
- Metrology Terminology
- Scope of Metrology
- Measurement Processes
- Units
- Measurement error
- Classification of Error
- Error vs. Accuracy
Measurement Standards and Traceability
- Measurement Standards
- Traceability
- Definition of the Second
- Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
- Definition of the Ampere
- Voltage Reference
- Josephson junction
- Standard Resistor
Technical Requirements in Calibration Standards
- US Government Agencies
- Calibration Program-Operations
- Historical requirements
- MIL-STD 45662A
- ANSI Z540-1-1994
- Compliance Documents
- Calibration Procedure Template
- Handling, Records, Certificates & Reports
- Accreditation
- Technical and Calibration requirements in ISO 9000
Types of Standards
- Oscilloscope Calibrators
- Multifunction Calibrators
- Distortion Analyzers
- Counters
- LF Spectrum Analyzers & FFTs
- RCL Devices
Measurement Uncertainty
- Purpose of a Measurement
- Accuracy Concept
- Error types
- Random
- Instrumentation
- Environmental
- Observational
- Reduction of Observer Bias (exercise)
- Estimating Measurement Uncertainty of a Calibration Process
Example: Estimating Electrical Uncertainty
- Calibration of a Hand-Held Digital Multi-meter at 100 V dc
- Resolution
- Uncertainty Budget
- Expanded Uncertainty
Electrical Calibration
- VOM Devices
- Digital Multi-Meters
- DMM Data Sheet
- Tolerances
- Terminology
- Two-Wire and Four-Wire Ohms
- Processes
- Synthesizers/Sweepers
- DBM and DBU Power
- Synthesized Sweep Oscillator Specifications
- Level Specs
- Output Level Flatness
- Frequency Specifications
- Harmonics
- Phase Noise Display
- Modulation
- Measuring Power
- Mismatch Calculation and Conversions
- Frequency Meter
- Harmonic Test with Spectrum Analyzer
- Phase Noise Test
- Counters
- Frequency Standards
- Counters-Functions
- Function and Pulse Generators
- Pulse Characteristics
- Power Supplies