Corrosion in the Oil and Gas Industry

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Corrosion in the Oil and Gas Industry Course
Corrosion-related challenges have long posed significant difficulties for oil and gas production operations. Operators meticulously plan for extended periods of uninterrupted production, incorporating maintenance schedules for designated shutdown periods. However, corrosion does not always adhere to these schedules, leading to substantial economic consequences arising from production losses.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, you will gain an understanding of corrosion engineering in oil and gas production involving the various methods available for corrosion control, regulatory and safety matters, and the contribution of an integrated monitoring and inspection program for operations and diagnosis of problems.
Who Should Attend?
The course is designed essentially for process and mechanical engineers employed by the operating companies engaged in oil and gas production. The material is also appropriate for those personnel concerned with special functions in the oil industry including inspection, material selection, and corrosion control, as well as those involved in R&D.
The staff of service companies providing corrosion inhibitors and overall corrosion services should also find this course beneficial, together with companies or manufacturers' marketing materials, coatings and equipment for cathodic protection, inspection (NDT) and corrosion monitoring.
Course Outlines:
Overview – Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production
Economics of Corrosion Damage
- Loss of production
- Repair costs
- Material choice
- Corrosion control methods – Relative costings
- Management of corrosion control
- Political considerations
- Safety
- Environment
Introduction to Corrosion and Corrosion Control
- Definitions
- Materials Involved
- Environments
- Corrosion Damage
- Metallurgy
- Methods for Protection
Basic Corrosion Principles
- Corrosion Rate
- Electrochemical Reactions
- Electrode Potentials
- Kinetics
- Passivity
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Velocity
- Conductivity
- pH
- Dissolved Gases
Forms of Corrosion
- Uniform
- Pitting
- Crevice
- Galvanic
- Erosion
- Intergranular
- Weld Corrosion
- Selective Leaching
- High Temperature
- Turbulence
- Fretting
- Stress Corrosion
- Hydrogen Embrittlement
- Fatigue
Corrosion Aspects – Oxygen
- Role of Oxygen in Oilfield Corrosion
- Downhole and Surface Equipment
- Waterflood
- Removal of Oxygen
- Analysis and Criteria for Control
Corrosion Aspects – Sour
- Role of Hydrogen Sulphide
- Corrosion in Downhole, Surface, Storage and Pipelines
Corrosion Aspects – Sweet
- Role of Carbon Dioxide
- Effect of Temperature and Pressure
- Corrosion of Well Tubing and Other Equipment
Corrosion Aspects – Bacterial
- Effect on Corrosion Situation
- Micro-Organisms
- Techniques for Control
- Monitoring
Corrosion Prevention – Inhibitors
- Types of Corrosion Inhibitors
- Choice and Selection
- Quality Assurance
- Logistics
- Criteria for Effectiveness
Corrosion Prevention – Design
- Environmental Effects
- Consideration of Geometry
- Elimination of Stress
- Different Metals
- Velocity of Corrodent
- Temperature
- Design Codes