Corrosion Inhibitors Training

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Corrosion Inhibitors Training Course
In the global oil and gas exploration industries, the yearly losses resulting from corrosion and the associated rectification expenses amount to several billions of dollars. The need for new materials with unique failure behaviors arises from high production under harsh and extreme operating conditions. As a result, industry operators are constantly reviewing various corrosion management techniques. However, unanticipated corrosion-related failures of top-side, subsurface, and subsea infrastructure result in both production loss and fatalities. For production wells and other facilities to operate safely and profitably, corrosion management techniques include corrosion preventive measures, prediction of failure behaviors, and remaining useful life.
Course Objectives:
This course is designed for engineers and operators engaged in oil and gas exploration industry requiring an understanding of corrosion fundamentals: the causes and control of corrosion in oil and gas production and processing. This course will provide an overview of what corrosion is and what the major corrosion issues are in upstream oil and gas operations. The focus will be on understanding how materials corrode, what techniques are used to monitor corrosion and some basic corrosion control fundamentals. The participants will be introduced to inhibitors and how they work, corrosion monitoring in field applications and cathodic protection. The course content is presented from a practical production operations viewpoint and provides participants with the basic skills and understanding to control and solve corrosion issues.
Who Should Attend?
Personnel who are working in technical areas related to assets integrity management who deal directly or indirectly with corrosion monitoring and its control.
Course Outlines:
Oil & Gas Production Fluid
- Origin and Production of Oil & Gas
- Chemical Compositions of Production Fluids
- Oilfield Equipment
- Overview of Oilfield Processes & Operations
- Chemical Properties of Metals
- Mechanical Properties
- Alloying Elements
- Cooling of Metals
- Crystalline Forms of Metals
- Metal Defects
- UNS Numbers
- Properties of Common Oilfield Metals & Alloys
- Metallurgy of Oilfield Equipment
Corrosion Damage
- Corrosion Fundamentals
- Common Forms of Corrosion
- Corrosion Monitoring in Plant and Facilities
- Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
- Corrosion Failure & Root Cause analysis
- Group Discussion- Applicable Standard Study for Corrosion Monitoring
Oilfield-Specific Corrosion
- Internal Corrosion
- Water Corrosion
- Sour Corrosion
- Sweet Corrosion
- Oxygen Corrosion
- Top of Line Corrosion (TLC)
- Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC)
- Sand Erosion
- External Corrosion
- Atmospheric (Marine) Corrosion
- Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)
- Corrosion of Pipe Flanges
- Underground Corrosion
- Stray Current Corrosion
- Seawater Corrosion
- Oilfield Equipment Corrosion
- Case Study-Plant Aging and Life Extension Program
Corrosion Prevention & Control Measures
- Corrosion Control by Operations
- Corrosion Control by Processes
- Corrosion Control Design
- Corrosion Control by Material Selection
- Group Discussion-NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-1 H2S Corrosion Resistant Materials
Cathodic Protection (CPS) Systems
- Cathodic Protection Fundamentals
- Galvanic Anodes CPS
- Impressed Current CPS
- CPS System Maintenance
Barrier Film (Coatings and Lining)
- Coating Fundamentals
- Performance Characteristics of Industrial Coatings
- Types of Coating Systems
- Surface Preparations
- Coating Applications
- Coating Defects
Chemical Treatment
- Corrosion inhibitors
- Performance Evaluation of Corrosion Inhibitor
- Application of Corrosion Inhibitors
Biocide Treatment
- Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC)
- Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria
- Biocide Selection & Treatment
Non-Metallic Materials
- Polymers
- Composite Materials
Corrosion Management Strategy (CMS)
- Corrosion Management of Oilfield Equipment
- Corrosion Economy