Civil engineering and Constructions
Design of Sustainable Urban Cities and Green Buildings

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Design of Sustainable Urban Cities and Green Buildings Course
Who Should Attend?
This training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
- Researchers and Practitioners in Traffic Engineering
- Professionals in Urban Planning
- Architects involved in Urban Design
- Project Managers
- Technology Engineers, Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) and Chief Information Officers (CIOs)
- Strategic Development Personnel
- Transport Engineers and Researchers
Course Outlines:
Sustainable/Green Design- setting the scene-contextual issues
- What is sustainable/ Green Design (SGD)?
- What are the rationale and justifications for SGD?
- What are the main benefits and advantages of embracing SGD? Planning, design and construction issues and principles. Life cycle costing issues (cradle to grave approach)
- Environmental, economic, and social benefits (the triple bottom line concept)
- Health and Well-being of end-user
- Productivity
- Selected Case studies and Real-Time Presentation of SGD with particular focus on the UK and the Gulf Region
Design and Environmental Characteristics of SGD
- Site-planning and Design Issues:
- Conceptual stage
- Early design stages
- Design impact on cost and performance
- Life Cycle Costing (LCC)
- Buildings are complex multi-faceted products.
- Energy Efficiency (Low-cost energy vs low-cost design)
- Thermal Insulation of the Envelope
- High-Efficiency Lower Emissive Windows
- Passive Solar Design
- Solar water heating
- Biomass
- Hydro and wind power
- Construction materials embodied energy and efficiency Off-site manufacturing and recycling
- Renewable plant materials
- Eco building blocks
- Compressed earth blocks
- Dimension and recycled blocks
- High and ultra-high concrete
- Waste Minimization
- Indoor environmental enhancement
- The Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
- Comfort, well-being, and productivity of occupants
- Indoor air quality (IAQ),
- Internal finishing zero emission
- VOC and Formaldehyde
- Thermal quality
- Lighting quality
- High performance luminous environment
Operational and Management Characteristics of SGD
- Low carbon services plant and systems
- Operation and maintenance optimization Workplace efficiency and effectiveness
- O & M indoor air quality and temperature
- Practices enhancement and improvement
- Management of Green Strategy
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Current Methods and Approaches
- Carbons sink
- Greenhouse emission
Initial Capital Cost and Cost in use of SGD
Initial design and construction cost
- Factors affecting initial capital cost Energy and running cost (comparison of traditional vs green design)
- Economic Plan Shape
- Structural Form
- Flexibility
- Internal Layout
- Buildability
- Building type
- Design Layout:
- Maintenance and operational cost