Human Resources and Training
Designing and Implementing a Performance Management System

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Designing and Implementing a Performance Management System Course
Course Objectives:
By the end of Designing & Implementing a Performance Management System Course you will be able to:
- List the phases of performance management cycle and describe the role of HR in each phase.
- Distinguish between different types and components of performance management systems.
- Design and develop a comprehensive performance management system.
- Organize and plan a successful implementation of a performance management system.
- Identify business requirements for performance management operating systems.
- Develop mandatory coaching and training sessions for managers and employees.
Who Should Attend?
This Designing & Implementing a Performance Management System Course ideal for:
- Human Resources professionals and other employees who are responsible for the design and implementation of performance management systems
- Managers and supervisors, present and aspiring, who want to manage employees in a way that is geared to better results.
Course Outlines:
The Role of Human Resources in Performance Management
- Definition and Purpose of Performance Management
- The Performance Management Cycle
- Role of HR in Different Phases
- Strategic and Administrative Role
- Tangible and In-Tangible Responsibilities
An Overview of Performance Management Systems
- Types of Performance Management Systems
- Graphic Rating Scales
- Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales
- Management By Objectives
- Competency-Based
- 360-Degree Feedback
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Components and Building Blocks
- Trends in Organizations
- Uses and Applications of Performance Management Systems
Designing a Performance Management System
- System Prerequisites
- Developing Tangibles
- Objectives
- Key Performance Indicators
- Targets
- Defining Intangibles
- Competencies
- Values
- Behavioral Indicators
- Determining Weights and Percentage Score Ranges
- Developing Performance Appraisal Templates
Ensuring a Successful Implementation
- Pilot Implementation
- Potential Pitfalls and Improvements
- Marketing and Introducing the System Internally
- System Support and Evaluation
- Performance Management Operating Systems
- Drafting Business Requirements
Coaching Managers and Employees
- Coaching Managers on Developing Objectives
- Structure of a Coaching Session
- Structure of Appraisal Meetings
- Build the personal case for coaching.
- Establish some firm expectations.
- Teach coaching skills and put them to practice.
- Give a manager a coach.
- Reward the best coaches with the best jobs.
- Essential Coaching Skills / Qualities
- Differences Between Training and Coaching
- Coaching Styles Questionnaire
- Questioning Skills