Durability of Reinforced Concrete Construction

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Durability of Reinforced Concrete Construction Course
As cities age, they acquire a significant number of buildings that hold economic, functional, and historical importance. However, the purposes of these buildings may require modifications as human knowledge advances and our understanding of their vulnerability to extreme events improves. In some instances, changes to the structure may be necessary to accommodate new uses. Structural engineers play a crucial role in assessing the current condition of these buildings and providing recommendations on the type of intervention required to ensure their safety, functionality, and cost-effectiveness during such alterations.
Course Objectives:
This short course is intended to overview the types of motivations for the evaluation of existing concrete structures and to outline the processes to be followed to make such evaluations. Such motivations range from the need to change the use or re-plan to the situation where signs of distress in those buildings are detected. Evaluations of existing structures start with understanding the new criteria in which the structure is to be measured against and is then followed by testing of the existing properties which in turn is followed by analysis to determine whether the set criteria are met. Where a residential building is to be used as offices, new live loads will need to be investigated. Where new statistical data is available on the maximum wind speed or maximum snow accumulation, assessment of existing buildings may reveal some shortcomings. Most importantly, a ramification of seismic events is now understood more than ever before and the need to assess the resistance of old buildings is evident in many developed countries and other countries where catastrophic losses have been experienced. The course covers the processes required to evaluate and retrofit vulnerable buildings. Marin environment is another situation where deterioration of buildings may be expedited by the presence of chloride and wetting and drying cycles. Inspection of buildings that are exposed to such severe effects is discussed in the course with recommendations for repair and the production of durable concrete. Solutions using traditional materials such as steel and concrete are discussed. This discussion is followed by the examination of new materials. These will include the use of carbon fibers, epoxies, and various admixtures.
Who Should Attend?
Any civil engineer with an interest in learning about the rehabilitation of building structures may attend and the course and benefit from it. The variety of topics being discussed shall enhance the interest of many professionals and civil engineers in managerial posts. It is foreseen that individuals from the following backgrounds may attend:
- Design structural engineers
- Supervision engineers
- Building authorities officers and regulators
- Project Managers
- Civil engineers in major corporations where building maintenance is an essential task
- Construction engineers
- Each may make the best of the experience in his or her way
Course Outlines:
Structural evaluation of buildings
- For the purposes of change in use
- For addition of floors or other structural changes
- Due to apparent signs of distress
Cracks in building
- Types of cracks, early thermal shrinkage, drying shrinkage, and thermal cracks
- Inspection and diagnosis
- Repair of cracks, material, and system
- Monitoring of cracks
- Testing of concrete in the structure
- Destructive tests: cores and pull-outs
- Nondestructive tests: Rebound hammer, penetration resistance, and UPV
- Seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings
- Seismic vulnerability of buildings
- Seismic strengthening of existing buildings
- Cost, functional and aesthetic considerations
- Retrofitting of the structural system by enhancing strength and continuity
- Decreasing demand for an existing system
- Rehabilitation of nonstructural elements
- Retrofitting using steel and concrete
- Use of plates with bolts and/or epoxy fixing
- Jacketing of columns
- Use of new technologies such as carbon fibers and resin
- Application to enhance flexure and shear
- Use as column confinement
- ACI requirements for the evaluation of existing structures
- Analysis of buildings using available information
- Report writing
- Foundation movement inspection and interpretation
- Options for intervention: direct and indirect
- The underpinning of building structures
- Chemical attacks
- Chloride attack
- Sulfate attack
- Carbonation
- The mechanism, perpetuation, mitigation, and repair
- Marin environment
- The durability of concrete as influenced by the used material and systems
- Repair of historic and heritage buildings
- High level of uncertainty
- Constraints on available retrofitting systems: reversibility is a must
- Case studies
- Changed use of a building
- New and more stringent snow load requirement
- Archeological site
- Closing session and handing of certificates