Electrical Load and Energy Forecasting, Planning and Demand Side Management

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Electrical Load and Energy Forecasting, Planning and Demand Side Management Course
Course Objectives:
By completing this training course, participants will be able to:
- Set Power System Planning Objectives
- Gain knowledge about Load Forecasting Methodologies
- Identify Factors affecting Load Forecasting
- Have a good understanding of different kinds of Short Term and Long-Term Planning
- Examine the principle of Energy supply & demand forecasting with a National and Regional perspectives
- Assess the market conditions that affect power and energy generation, transmission and distribution
- Understand the critical role of energy demand forecasting in the market
- Utilize the various methodologies and technologies to meet the challenges of energy demand forecasting
Who Should Attend?
This course is intended for members of utility personnel (Public & Private) Power System Sectors, Analysts, Consultants, and Others interested in learning about Energy Forecasting from qualified Experts. Those who are working as a Senior Managers & Engineers responsible for Energy Supply, Managers of Generation Plants, Transmission Operating Staff, Forecasting and Planning Engineers, Regulatory/Energy Professionals from Government Ministries as well as Power and Energy Companies
Course Outlines:
Bulk Electricity System
- Generation System
- Transmission System
- North American Electricity Reliability Council (NERC)
Energy Markets
- Real-Time Market
- Day-Ahead Market
- Bilateral Contracts
- Terms and Structures of Renewable Contracts
- FIT in Tariffs in Canada
- Physical versus Financial Transactions
- Generator Offers into Market
- Dispatchable Loads
Load Forecasting Methodology
- Weather Forecasts
- Simulation, Optimization, Sensitivity Analysis
- Forecasting Methodologies and statistical techniques,
- Neural-Net modeling, End-Use modeling, Metrix ND & LT)
- Weather Normalization and Probability Distribution Tools
Load Demand Patterns
- Short Term Load Forecasting Models: Operating Time Frame
- Long Term Load Forecasting Models: Planning Time Frame
- Weather Normal load forecasting
Volumetric Risk
- Weather Response
- Weather Derivatives
- How can data be used for decision making?
- What data will be needed in the future?
- What data should be collected (and analyzed) now?
Long Term Planning
- Reliability Criteria
- Generation Reserve Margin
- Loss of Load Probability
- Loss of Load Expectation
- Variable generation and their impact on the LOLP, LOLE
- Capacity Planning
- Renewable Generation
- Demand Management
- Case Study
Short Term Planning
- Day Ahead
- Real-Time
- Secure Islanding of Power Plants
- Operating Reserves in a System with Renewable Generation
System Controls for Power Quality for Demand
- Power Electronics
- Static VAR Compensators
- Voltage and VAR Control
- Smart Inverters
Demand Side Management and the Physical System
- Load Frequency Control
- Load Pricing Control & Load Shedding
Demand Side Management
- Energy Asset Programs: Integrate technical and financial elements under a single contract agreement
- Utility Service Agreement
- Customer Benefits
- Data Management and Analytics for Utilities
- Big Data: How can Data be used for Decision Making?
- Dispatchable Loads
Characteristics of Wind and Solar Power Generation