Engine Condition Monitoring Systems

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Engine Condition Monitoring Systems Course
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will gain a basic understanding of the main components and subsystems of Engine Condition Monitoring Systems (ECMS). Participants will learn to critique the advantages, applications, performance, and economics of different ECMS and ECMS features and learn about the influence of various auxiliary systems, including instrumentation and controls, process accessories, and the process itself.
Who Should Attend?
Engineers, technologists, and other operational personnel who currently or may in the future be involved with the technology or business of running a process plant, a refinery, a power plant, and/or an oil and gas facility. Personnel can be involved in:
- Large scale commercial production and/or maintenance
- Smaller operations with smaller machinery that may be less complex
- Operations
- Maintenance, repair, and overhaul
- Systems optimization and performance verification
- Specification, retrofit design
- Business and management of machinery systems and personnel
- Support for machinery trains and their support systems
Course Outlines:
Introductory definitions including wave form, amplitude, frequency, total signal, filtered signal, phase angle, natural frequency, resonance, attenuation, damping, pulsation, and surge.
Types of Vibration Sensors
- Different sensors and their application
- Displacement sensors/probes
- Velocity sensors/probes
- Accelerometers
- Conversion of vibration measurement units for different systems
Recorders and Parameter for Measuring Vibration
- Different sensors/probes (displacement, velocity, acceleration)
- Vibration spectrum analyzer
- Spectrum cascade
- Phase angle measurement (Bode, Nyquist plots)
- Orbital motion
Monitoring Systems (Measurement Equipment), Scope and Selection of Monitoring Systems
- Introduction to Rotor Dynamics
- Troubleshooting
- Introduction to the Mechanics of Unbalanced Rotors, Introduction to
- Instrumentation and Equipment for Balancing Various Rotors
- Introduction to Multiplane Balancing
- Basics of Shop Balancing, Basics of Balancing Rigidly and Flexibly Coupled Rotors in the Field
- Temperature Monitoring, Fuel Topping Systems, Temperature Monitoring
- Methods
- Pressure Monitoring
- Oil Analysis
- Emissions Monitoring
- Low Nox systems
- Flame systems, catalyst systems
- ppm vs. by weight systems
Effects of Fuel Selection
- Types of fuel
- Fuel treatment
SOx Monitoring
Carbon Dioxide Emissions Monitoring
LCA and PA
What is LCA?
- Defining the right algorithm parameters
- How does the algorithm work?
- The Effect of LCA on Time between Overhauls (TBO), Time Between parts Replacements (TBR), Mean Time To Failure (MTTF)
- LCA Case Histories
- What is PA?
- What parameters are required to do PA?
- Diagnostic models and predictive models