Health, Safety, Security and Environment
Environmental Best Available Techniques (BAT)

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Environmental Best Available Techniques (BAT) Course
Course Objectives:
The participants will gain general principle that operators should take all appropriate preventive measures against pollution in particular through the application of BATs enabling them to improve their environmental performance.Lorem ipsum dolor sit elit
Who Should Attend?
- Health & Safety and Environmental Managers
- Staff responsible for managing hazardous wastes
- Laboratory Technicians
- Staff wishing to reduce risk and liability arising from polluting events
Course Outlines:
Introduction to Best Available Techniques "BAT":
- Global Environmental problems & the development of the protection approaches
- International Environmental Conventions (Basel/ Stockholm Conventions and BAT)
- Overview on BAT and definitions
- BAT in Environmental Protection Laws
- UNEP Guidance BAT/ BEP
- EU BREF guiding reference
- General prevention measures relating to BAT
- Design specific requirements and Indicative BAT
Practical Implementation "Reduction o GHG:
- Best Available Techniques (BAT) in Projects
- BAT Hierarchy
- BAT in the Refining Industry
- Green House Gases Reduction Projects (Case Study)
Practical Implementation "Environmental Remote Sensing:
- Basic physical principles of remote sensing
- Satellite techniques for monitoring oil and air pollution
- Reflectance, emission, fluorescence spectroscopy and scattering of microwave radiation as remote sensing tools
- Applications of satellite and airborne systems in both routine and emergency conditions to manage oil spills, contaminated and energy loss areas.
Practical Implementation "Emission Limit Value, ELV" Monitoring and Reduction:
- Integrated pollution prevention control (IPPC).
- Modern techniques in air pollution control
- Sophisticated instruments and tools for air pollution monitoring
- Air pollution monitoring networks
- Self monitoring systems
Disposal of Hazardous Waste:
- Incineration of Petroleum Waste in Cement Kiln
- Technique description
- BAT for the minimization of PCDD/ PCDF emissions
- Case Study
- Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials, NORM prevention/ control
- NORM characteristics
- Removal/ Downhole treatment
- Reduction at source
- Control at plant/ Storing measures
- Case Study
- Session Closing Ceremony