Excellence in Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM)
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Excellence in Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) Course
Every organization that relies on its physical assets to accomplish business objectives strives to attain a high level of maintenance and reliability. With shrinking profit margins, reducing maintenance costs has become crucial for the survival of many organizations. The overall cost of owning assets is intricately linked to the outcomes of reliability, durability, and lifespan of those assets. This training course focuses on the development and implementation of strategies and tactics necessary to achieve the desired outcomes in maintenance and reliability.
Course Objectives:
The maintenance process has moved forward enormously in recent years, it is often difficult for maintainers and managers to keep abreast of the latest thinking and techniques. This seminar bridges that gap and presents recent, but proven, developments in a practical way enabling dele gates to transform maintenance from a cost item to a profit center.
There is a growing realization that maintenance management actually means managing risk. Upon completion of this course, delegates will acquire a practical knowledge and understanding of RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance), TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) and continuous improvement (CI) Processes. Application of the method described in this course will produce a positive impact on business goals, for example:-
· Maintenance and improve uptime,
· Maximize safety,
· Achieve cost effective maintenance, and,
· Develop world class maintenance performance.
Who Should Attend?
Maintenance managers and supervisors, asset managers, maintenance & engineering consultants, project manager and those involved in maintenance and operation in consultant, contractor or operating companies. The course has also been specifically designed to substantial benefit to both technical and non-technical personnel employed in the activities that supports the O&M sector
Course Outlines:
Overview of RCM
- Maintenance in context (includes video presentation)
- Why RCM is Different
- RCM Fundamentals; The Term, The Process (includes delegate exercise )
- What should you expect from RCM
- Who should do RCM
- Selecting systems for RCM Analysis; Structured decision process
Reliability and maintainability
- Understanding Reliability (includes delegate exercise )
- Putting the reliability into RCM (Includes video presentation)
- How to use reliability information for maintenance
- Maintainability (includes video presentation )
Failure and failures modes
- Hidden evident failures (includes delegates exercise )
- Failure mode & effects, analysis, FMEA, & FMECA, (Include video presentation)
- Causes of failure
Total Productive maintenance
- Overview of TPM tools and Techniques
- How to position TPM within current improvement initiatives
- Organizational Changes involved to develop multifunctional teams
- The benefits from TPM and how to hold onto them
TPM (cont)
- Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
- Measurements Accuracy Reasons Why
- How To Turn OEE Data Into Information
Continuous Improvement
- An overview of the C.I. Process
- How To Obtain Buy-in to the process from management
- Tools and techniques
Continuous Improvement (cont)
- KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
- What is critical?
- Can we affect it?
- How do we measure it?
- Action plan template for implementation
Work Planning, Scheduling and Work Control (Includes delegate exercise)
Functionality and Integration required from the CMMS
- Using CMMS history Analysis To Improve Reliability
Maintenance Administration
- Organizational Structure Influence
Leadership Role