Civil engineering and Constructions
Geographical and Mapping Information Management System: Theory and Practice Software Training

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Geographical and Mapping Information Management System: Theory and Practice Software Training Course
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the tasks and challenges that project managers encounter throughout the various stages of GIS project development. It aims to strike a balance between theoretical concepts and practical application. Key topics covered include strategic planning, work program development, project management techniques, budgeting, staffing, sustaining program support, and effectively managing consultants and vendors.
Course Objectives:
- Introducing the GIS technology and its basic principles.
- Highlighting the link between GIS and the related sciences.
- An overview to the GIS package “ARC/VIEW”
- Discussing how to pick a proper geographical Information System
Who Should Attend?
This training course is a suitable wide range of professionals but will significantly benefit:
- Traffic & Transportation Engineers and Professionals
- Professionals in Urban Planning and Development
- Project Managers in Infrastructure Solutions Consulting
- Data Analysts, Technicians in Traffic Management Centers
- Researchers and Consultants
- Practitioners in Traffic and Transport Engineering
- Traffic Safety Professionals
- Highway and Roadway Design Engineers
Course Outlines:
Data sources of GIS
- Nature and sources of spatial data.
- Concepts of Digital Mapping (DM).
- Data capture techniques.
- Data structure and restructure.
- Data restructure.
- Surveying and GIS (GPS, Remote Sensing, Projection, scale).
Introduction to Database Design
- Database and Database management system.
- Database concept
- Concept of the Relational database.
- SQL (Structured Query Language).
- Wel come 1-2
- Lesson overview 1-3
- Logistics 1-4
- Teaching methods 1-5
- Course overview 1-6
- ArcGIS products 1-7
- ArcGIS functionality 1-8
- Choose ArcView if you want to… 1-9
- Use ArcInfo Editor if you want to... 1-10
- Use ArcInfo if you want to… 1-11
- ArcGIS desktop applications 1-12
- ArcGIS extensions 1-13
- Working with geographic data 1-14
- Storing geographic data 1-15
- ArcGIS spatial data formats 1-16
- ArcGIS tabular data formats 1-17
- Features and topology 1-18
- Spatial relationships with shared geometry 1-19
- Spatial relationships with coincident geometry 1-20
- Storing spatial relationships 1-21
- Using ArcCatalog 1-22
- Adding tables from existing sources 1-23
- Setting viewable data 1-24
- Managing file types visible in ArcCatalog 1-25
- Contents options 1-26
- Tables options 1-27
- Raster options 1-28
- Searching for data 1-29
- Load class database 1-30
- Exercise 1 overview 1-31
- Exercise 1: Working with data in ArcCatalog
- Working with layers and maps
- Lesson overview 2-2
- Setting ArcMap options 2-3
- Creating quantitative displays 2-4
- Choosing a classification method 2-5
- Using natural breaks 2-6
- Using quantile and equal interval 2-7
- Using standard deviation 2-8
- Excluding features from a classification 2-9
- Normalizing your data 2-10
- Graduated and proportional symbols 2-11
- Showing quantity with dot density 2-12
- Displaying multiple attributes 2-13
- Symbology 2-14
- Stylesheets 2-15
- Using the Style Manager 2-16
- Creating custom symbols 2-17
- Creating custom lines and markers 2-18
- Using the Advanced Drawing Options 2-19
- Ways to create a map 2-20
- Building templates 2-21
- Changing templates 2-22
- Exporting a map 2-23
- Exercise 2 overview 2-24
- Exercise 2: Working with layers and layouts