Laboratory Operations, Analyzers, R&D, R&T
HPLC : Operation, Calibration and Troubleshooting (Workshop)

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HPLC : Operation, Calibration and Troubleshooting (Workshop) Course
Course Objectives:
- How to develop a systematic, structured approach to problem-solving and method development for performance, productivity, and reduced costs
- Specifics of a step-by-step process for method validation and for building quality assurance into chromatographic methods
- Case studies using practical examples, developed in small groups
- Method diagnostics, troubleshooting, and preventive maintenance
- The interdependence of methods, sample preparation, instrumentation, columns, detectors, and quantitation
- Implementing good laboratory practices (GLP)
- Sample preparation techniques
- Methods development based on the chemistry and chemical properties of the sample analytes and matrices
Who Should Attend?
Laboratory managers, supervisors, chemists, and technicians working in methods development, R&D, manufacturing/process testing, testing services labs, teaching, QA/QC, analysis, or product testing/development. Chemists, biologists, and engineers involved in organic chemicals, petroleum/petrochemicals, fine chemicals, polymers, environmental, pharmaceutical, forensic sciences, molecular/cellular biology, protein chemistry, foods/flavors/fragrances, occupational health and/or product/process safety testing will benefit.
Course Outlines:
- Discuss your method development and analytical problems with acclaimed instructors who have more than 60 years of combined experience in industry, government, and academe
- Learn how to develop rugged GC or HPLC methods in a timely, cost effective, systematic manner
- Learn how to develop a preliminary chromatographic method in less than one day
- Solve real chromatographic analysis problems during the course, using small working groups, the instructors, and the method development tools from the workshop
- Understand how to systematically troubleshoot GC or HPLC methods in a cost effective manner
- Learn the applications and limitations of, and how to use more than 100 chromatographic and sample preparation techniques to develop new, modified, and/or validated methods
- Learn how to build method validation and QA into chromatographic methods
- Learn how to use simplified method development tools to select the best techniques the first time through the method development process
- Learn to recognize good results from poor results and how to improve performance
- Workshop Schedule
- The Method Development Process for GC and HPLC
- Method Development Parameters, Based on the Sample Matrix and Analytes
- Method Validation
- Preventative Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- Case Studies with Real Analytical Method Problems