Laboratory Operations, Analyzers, R&D, R&T
Laboratory Environmental Analysis: Air, Soils and Water

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Laboratory Environmental Analysis: Air, Soils and Water Course
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are as follows:
- To introduce the student to a basic knowledge of analytical technique to environmental samples including water, air, and soil.
- To illustrate the analyses of the major physical, chemical, and biological parameters for each of these environmental samples.
- To provide the student with a knowledge of data interpretation.
Who Should Attend?
Head sections, Laboratory managers, Quality assurance/control managers and supervisors, analytical chemists, laboratory supervisors, environmental and safety coordinators, and systems controllers.
Course Outlines:
- Introduction to environmental analysis/Major equipment available in the environmental analysis laboratory
- Guidelines for handling and storage of water sample/Water analysis (physical parameter): color, odour, temperature, turbidity, suspended solids.
- Pretreatment and extraction technique for contaminants in water sample/Water analysis (chemical parameter): pH, DO, conductivity, hardness, acidity and alkalinity.
- Analytical methods/Water analysis (chemical parameter, continues) BOD, COD
- Data interpretation/Water analysis (biological parameter): Determination of the coliform bacteria by the MPN method.
- Guidelines for handling and storage of soil sample/Soil analysis (physical parameter): pH, texture.
- Pretreatment and extraction technique for contaminants in soil/Soil analysis (chemical parameter): organic matter, CEC, N, P, K.
- Analytical methods and data interpretation/Soil analysis (biological parameter): Enumeration of bacteria and actinomycetes in soil
- Guideline for sampling, storage, and Handling of air sample/Air analysis (physical parameter): particulate matter
- Analytical methods/Air analysis (chemical parameter): SOx, NOx
- Data interpretation/Air analysis (biological parameter): Enumeration of the microbial population in air
- Teaching Method
- Lecture
- Practical
- Teaching Media
- Texts and Teaching Materials
- Transparencies