Metallurgy for Non-Specialists

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Metallurgy for Non-Specialists Course
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will have gained an understanding of the important principals of metallurgical engineering involving properties and characteristics of metals and alloys, including fabrication and heat treatment of commercial steels and non-ferrous alloys. Participants will acquire sufficient knowledge and skills to independently evaluate possible metallurgical solutions, recognize crucial metallurgical selection/design/treatment and intelligently discuss their metal problems with metallurgists.
Who Should Attend?
Managers, supervisors, engineers, planners, inspectors, should find this course valuable.
Course Outlines:
Mechanical Properties and Structure of Metals
Survey of Metallurgy
- Introduction
- Strength and Deformation
- Stress-Strain Behavior of Engineering Alloys; Stiffness and Ductility.
- Impact tests.
- Hardness tests.
- Sample Preparation, Interpretation of Optical, and Electron Micrographs.
- Nature and Properties of Pure Metals
- Atomic and Grain Structure; Solidification of pure metals.
- Basic Metal Strengthening Mechanisms
- Crystal Imperfections and the concept of Edge and Screw Dislocations.
- Strength and Microstructural Aspects of Strain Hardening; Grain Size and Solid Solution Strengthening.
- Cold and Hot Working (Recovery, Re-crystallization, and Grain Growth).
Phase Diagrams and Heat Treatment of Metals
- Principals of Alloying
- Basics of Metal Phase Diagrams; Industrially Important Alloy Diagrams, Deviation from Equilibrium.
- Precipitation, Dispersion, Order, and Diffusion; Multiphase Strengthening.
- Iron Carbon Systems.
Understanding Commercial Steel Heat Treatments
- Commercial Steel Alloy Designations; Practical Heat Treatments Procedures for the Control of Steel Alloy Properties; Stress Relief, Spheroidised and full Annealing; Normalizing; Tempering; Temper Designations.
- Understanding Transformations using Continuous Cooling Transformation Concepts; Austempering.
- Controlling Surface Properties by Local Heating, Carburizing, and Nitriding.
- Residual Stresses.
Further Alloys and Heat Treatment
Steel Alloys, Cast Irons
- Classification of alloy Steels; Stainless Steels; Ferritic, Martensitic and Austenitic.
- Cast Irons; Gray, White, Malleable, Ductile, and Compacted.
- Additional alloying Elements and Practical Control of Alloy Properties.
Non-Ferrous Alloys
- Aluminum Alloys; Designation; Wrought; Cast; Heat Treatable, Age Hardening.
- Copper and its alloys.
- Super Alloys; Nickel-Based; Iron-Nickel Based; Cobalt Based.
- Titanium Alloys.
- Refractory Metals.
Behavior Modification Using Coatings
- Altering Behavior by use of an organic, metallic, or ceramic coating.
Analysis and Prevention Of Mechanical Failure
Toughness and Catastrophic Fracture
- Stress Raisers; Stress Concentration Factors; Design Criteria.
- Fracture Toughness, Klc, Defects, and their Relationship to Fracture, toughness Testing, Failure Prevention.
Long-Term Service under Load
- Repeated Loading, Fatigue testing, and mechanisms; Fatigue Curves (S-N Curves); Fatigue-Resistant.
- High-Temperature Performance, Creep testing; Applications of Creep curves; Creep-Resistant Alloys and creep Minimization.
Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation of Metals
- Flaw and Crack Detection; Liquid Penetration; Ultrasonic and Electromagnetic; x-rays and g -rays Methods: Eddy Current Method.
- Corrosion Control
- Chemical Corrosion; Electrochemical Cells; Types and Mechanisms of Electrochemical Cells.
- Design, Selection, and Treatment of Corrosion Resistant Alloys; Cathodic and Anodic Protection; Inhibitors; Stress-Corrosion Cracking Minimization.
Manufacturing Methods And Materials Selection
- Methods of Casting, Cast Metal Structure, and Properties.
- Mechanical Forming
- Hot and Cold Forming; Effects on Structure and Service Properties; Metals Fabrication Methods; Forging, Rolling, and Extrusion.
Welding and Joining
- Welding, HAZ, Weld Failures, Brazing, Soldering.
Other Manufacturing Methods
- Powder Metallurgy; Metal Machining.
- Properties and Design Criteria, Specifications, Designations, and Control of Properties.