Modern X-Ray Fluorescence
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Modern X-Ray Fluorescence Course
After completing the course, the participants will have a solid understanding of the parts of a contemporary X-ray spectrometer, including how to correctly assemble one, use it to gather high-quality analytical data, and be familiar with various data reduction techniques for element identification at the major, minor, and trace levels.
Who Should Attend?
This workshop is suitable for Laboratory Managers, Superintendents, Supervisors, Chemists, Analysts and Technicians. Further, this workshop will be of great value for Quality Mangers, Quality Engineers, Quality Auditors and Management Representatives.
Course Outlines:
Fundamental, Instrumentation and Qualitative Analysis
It is open to all who are working or intend to work in X-ray spectrometric analysis. No previous knowledge or background in X-ray spectrometry is required
Topics to be covered in the lectures:
- Properties of X-rays
- Dispersion of X-rays and Spectrometers
- Excitation and Scattering of X-rays
- Detectors and Dead time
- Counting chain electronics, pulse height selection, Sine-theta amplifiers, pulse shift and distortions;
- Energy dispersive spectrometry
- Matrix effects, mass absorption coefficients, particle size and mineralogical effects, surface effects, and infinite thickness
- Introduction to quantitative major and trace XRFS analysis, counting statistics
- Selection of instrumental variables
- Sampling and sample preparation: crushing, grinding, binders, fluxes and fusions
- Setting up XRF methods and running an XRF laboratory
- Safety
Topics to be covered in the laboratory exercises:
- Introduction to the WDXRF spectrometer
- Introduction to the EDXRF spectrometer
- Qualitative analysis using wavelength and energy dispersive spectrometers
- Semi-quantitative analysis using wavelength scans
- Setting detector voltages, determination of detector resolution, setting of pulse height selector
- Determination of mass absorption coefficients by transmission, calculation from major element composition, and by Compton peak measurements
- Introduction to quantitative major and trace element analysis using influence (alpha) coefficients and mass absorption coefficients
Quantitative Analysis and Data Reduction Methods
A continuation from Week I. Because of the intense and demanding nature of the program, prior attendance at Week I (in this or a previous year) is usually required. In exceptional circumstances a participant may be accepted where their background and experience are considered equivalent.
Topics to be covered in the lectures:
- Quantitative major and trace element analysis:
- Choice for angle/counting positions
- Determination of background intensity
- Spectral line interferences
- X-ray tube line interferences
- Compton peaks
- Standards and Standardization
- Crystal fluorescence problems and their solutions
- Influence factors and alpha-coefficients
- Software for major and trace element data reduction
- Special sample preparation techniques
- Quality of data and error-checking procedures
- Micro-sample analysis (EDXRFS and WDXRFS)
- Applications of XRFS in industry
Topics to be covered in laboratory exercises:
- Major and trace element data reduction:
- Methods for determining background intensity at peak position
- Correction for peak-on-peak and peak-on-background interferences
- Determining of, and correction for X-ray tube line interferences
- Iterative cross-tail corrections procedures
- Standardization
- Calculation of concentration, counting error and lower limit of detection
- Applications of mass absorption coefficients; Absorption edge problems; Techniques for crossing major element absorption edges
- Derivation, calculation and application of influence (alpha) coefficients
- Explanation and application of different algorithms correcting for matrix effects