Polymer and Polymerization Technology

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Polymer and Polymerization Technology Course
This comprehensive course provides a thorough overview of the field of polymers, covering topics ranging from polymer synthesis to characterization, properties, and applications. All major synthetic methods are explored, including step (condensation) polymerization, chain (addition) polymerization with ionic and radical variations, copolymerization, stereospecific polymerization, ring-opening polymerization, and synthetic reactions on formed polymers.
Course Objectives:
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Discuss your research concerns with our instructor which is leading polymer experts
- Be exposed to a state-of-the-art overview of polymer chemistry in a minimum amount of time
- Understand how to control polymer structure and molecular weight and their effects on polymer properties and applications
- Appreciate why branching and crosslinking occur
- Understand methods for property evaluations, particularly mechanical properties
- Learn how to improve properties by copolymerization and stereochemical synthesis
- Learning how polymers are synthesized, and understanding the practical use of the obtained polymeric materials
- Working and consulting with renowned authority in this science
- Finding out how to diagnose and solve practical problems in polymer synthesis, characterization and mechanical properties of plastic materials
- Gaining a remarkable breadth of knowledge of polymer science – covering a variety of topics from polymer synthesis to plastic materials
- Being able to solve their practical, work-related problems by discussing their work with polymer experts
Who Should Attend?
This course is intended for all scientists, engineers, or other technical staff with a B.S. or higher degree who need a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of this important field. No prior knowledge of polymer chemistry is assumed. The participant’s degree can be in any area of chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, or material science.
Course Outlines:
Polymers Classification, Synthesis, and Control Of Properties
- Introduction to Polymers
- Classification of Polymers
- History
- How Mechanisms Affect Properties
- Molecular Weight
- Nomenclature
- Commercial Polymers
Step Polymerization Reactions
- Characteristics
- Mechanisms
- Process Conditions and Equilibrium
- Crosslinking
- Dendrimers
- Commercial Applications
Chain Polymerization Reactions
- Characteristics
- Mechanisms
- Initiation & Inhibitors
- Common Monomers
- Radical Chain Polymerization
- Heterogeneous Polymerization
- Commercial Applications
Ionic Polymerization Reactions
- Characteristics
- Mechanisms
- Initiation and Inhibitors
- Common Monomers
- Living Polymer Systems
- Commercial Applications
Chain Copolymerization
- Types of Copolymers
- Properties of Copolymers
- Control of Copolymer Composition
- Commercial Applications
Ring-Opening Polymerization
- Characteristics
- Mechanisms
- Commercial Applications
Stereochemistry of Polymerization
- Characteristics and Definition
- Synthetic Approaches
- Crystallization
- Commercial Applications
- Selecting a commercial polymer to fit your needs
- Synthesizing a new polymer
- Polymer Properties, Characterization, and Processing
Polymer Solutions & Molecular-Weight Determination
- Conformations
- Thermodynamics
- Molecular-Weight Determination
- Entanglements
- The Crystalline State
- Thermal Transitions
- Mechanical Properties
Viscoelasticity & Rubber Elasticity
- Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
- Dielectric Relaxation
- Time-Temperature Superposition
- Rubber Elasticity
Additives Blends, & Composites
- Plasticizers & Fillers
- Blends & Impact-Modified Plastics
- Composites