Health, Safety, Security and Environment
Principles and Practice of Air Pollution Control

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Principles and Practice of Air Pollution Control Course
This introductory course provides a comprehensive introduction to the key elements of air pollution control. It covers a wide range of topics, including pollutants and their sources, the impacts of pollution, dispersion of pollutants in the environment, measurement and management of emissions, relevant laws and regulations, and other related subjects. This course is highly recommended as a foundational course for students pursuing studies in any area of the APTI curriculum.
Course Objectives:
- Learn how to recognize the importance of environmental values in decision making
- Learn how to avoid serious and irreversible damage to the environment
- Learn some of the current common pollution prevention techniques being used by industry today
- Encourage dialogue with like-minded individuals on specific issues of concern in their organizations and the opportunity to develop regional networks to address common issues
- Encourage the “buy green” concept or the use of more environmentally friendly products
- Assist the participants in obtaining a better appreciation of Agenda 21 (The Rio De Janeiro Conference on the Environment) and its inter-relationship amongst all the countries of the world
- Show and emphasize the close relationship between human health & safety and the environment
- Methodologies for the cleanup of contaminated land and the various parameters involved
- The basic requirements of ISO 14001 and its relationship to ISO 9001
- That each participant will know how to obtain environmental performance improvement through the implementation of ISO 14001
Who Should Attend?
- Health & Safety and Environmental Managers
- Staff responsible for managing hazardous wastes
- Laboratory Technicians
- Staff wishing to reduce risk and liability arising from polluting events
- Technical assistants and anyone who has a role to play in environmental matters of the Organization
Course Outlines:
- History of Air Pollution Control
- Health and Environmental Effects of Air Pollution
- Transport and Dispersion of Air Pollutants
- Air Quality Management
- Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
- Measurement of Emissions from Stationary Sources
- Emission Inventories
- Laws and Regulations
- Control of Emissions from Stationary Sources
- Control of Emissions from Mobile Sources
- Pollution Prevention
- Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement
- Indoor Air