Pumps, Compressors and Fans: Selection Application and Maintenance
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Pumps, Compressors and Fans: Selection Application and Maintenance Course
Since pumps and compressors are often essential pieces of equipment in any production process, it is imperative that these items receive the best possible maintenance. The goal of this course is to give participants a thorough understanding of how to apply a combined predictive and preventive maintenance strategy to achieve maximum reliability and the best possible comprehension of any potential deterioration.
Course Objectives:
The program assumes familiarity with the design and construction of pumps and compressors. From this starting point, it adopts an analytical approach to understanding the failure of all types of pumps and compressors.
From a component-by-component perspective, the program investigates the root causes of failure and relates these to operating conditions and process parameters. Design, installation, lubrication and wear-related failure mechanisms are identified and a detailed understanding of the troubleshooting and diagnostic methods needed to detect and identify these is developed.
The program provides participants with the knowledge needed to be effective in the inspection, monitoring and diagnostics of pumps and compressors, with emphasis placed upon the importance of a combined condition monitoring and strip-down inspection approach to maintenance.
Who Should Attend?
Engineers, supervisory and technical staff involved in the monitoring, predictive maintenance and diagnostics of pumps and compressors.
Course Outlines:
- Friction, lubrication and wear mechanisms.
- Adhesive wear, abrasive wear, fatigue and fretting
- Machinery life cycles
- Mechanical issues, balancing and alignment
- Statistical reliability analysis
- Reliability models
- Root cause of, symptoms and detection mechanisms for imbalance
- Looseness
- Misalignment
- Gear problems
- Bearing problems
- Cavitation, causes and prevention
- Anti-friction bearings: types, lifetime, mounting, applications, related problems
- Plain and pad bearings, thrust bearings: operation, maintenance, incidents
- Mechanical seals, types, operation, related problems
- Other seals for positive displacement pumps and reciprocating compressors
- Performing a balance
- Vibration monitoring
- Overall and spectral measurements
- Vibration limits
- Introduction to spectrum analysis
- Lubricant monitoring
- Shape, size, amount, the chemical composition of debris
- Analytical techniques
- The role of condition monitoring in pump and compressor maintenance Diagnostic methods
- Capabilities and limitations of condition monitoring, and the need for a combined approach
- The importance of plant inspection
Measurement devices, and what to monitor and wher