Engineering and Maintenance
RBI And FFS of Pipeline, Piping, Vessels and Tanks (API 579-580-581) and Repair Practices Training
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RBI And FFS of Pipeline, Piping, Vessels and Tanks (API 579-580-581) and Repair Practices Training Course
Course Objectives:
The focus of the course is on predicting degradation in service, setting optimum inspection intervals (API 580-581), projecting remaining life based on generic data corrected for plant specific conditions to determine whether equipment is fit for continued service or should be repaired or replaced (API 579, ASME B31G, etc.).
Who Should Attend?
The course is recommended for process plant and pipeline/piping engineers and inspectors responsible for the initial and continued integrity and cost-effective operation of equipment, piping systems and pipelines
Course Outlines:
- Registration and Coffee
- Introduction and welcome
- Overview of codes and standards API and ASME
- Latest developments in integrity and Fitness-For-Service
- Break
- Overview of material strength and toughness
- Lunch
- Overview of corrosion and degradation mechanisms
- Break
- Corrosion (continue)
- Risk based inspection standards and practice API 580-581
- End of Day One
- Break
- Equipment and management factors
- API 581 Failure consequence analysis
- Risk based ranking for inspection of equipment and pipelines
- Lunch
- Inspection techniques
- Break
- Team exercise: Risk Based ranking for inspection
- Determine corrosion rate
- Calculate likelihood and consequence of failure
- Rank systems and equipment for inspection
- End of Day Two
- Evaluation of inspection results
- Fitness-for-service overview API 579
- Break
- Brittle fracture analysis
- General metal loss analysis
- Lunch
- Analysis of wall thinning and remaining life
- Break
- Team exercise: Wall thinning analysis
- Calculate initial strength of component
- Calculate remaining strength of corroded equipment or pipeline
- Predict remaining life and failure mode
- End of Day Three
- Local metal loss analysis
- Break
- Pitting corrosion analysis
- Lunch
- Blisters and lamination analysis
- Break
- Team exercise: Local metal loss analysis
- Analyze remaining strength of component with local corrosion
- Compare ASME B31G and API 579 results
- End of Day Four
- Distortions, dents and gouges analysis
- Break
- Introduction to fracture mechanics
- Crack flaws analysis and fracture mechanics
- Lunch
- Fatigue analysis and remaining life
- Break
- Presentation of Certificates
- End of Course