Reservoir Appraisal and Development

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Reservoir Appraisal and Development Course
Course Objectives:
Participants’ understanding of modeling and their ability to model geological features affecting reservoir performance will improve through the collection, observation, interpretation, and modeling of geologic, petrophysical, and engineering data. Methods for the cooperative collection, analysis, and interpretation of data to most efficiently appraise reservoir size and characteristics will be presented and practiced. Superb outcrops reveal complex but interpretable geologic features influencing reservoir development. Outcrop observations will be incorporated into geocellular models using wireline logs, cores, and petrophysical data collected from nearby boreholes. With this typical subsurface dataset, geocellular and reservoir models will be evaluated and simulated within the five-day course.
Who Should Attend?
This course is designed for petroleum engineers, geologists, geophysicists, petrophysicists, and supervisory personnel who are responsible for executing field development programs focused on primary-, secondary-, or tertiary-recovery projects in conventional terrigenous-clastic reservoirs. The geologic and engineering concepts and practices that are introduced are applicable to reservoirs spanning all depositional settings.
Course Outlines:
Core laboratory, outcrop visits, and field exercises: deltaic & shoreface reservoirs
- Deltaic and shoreface sedimentologic and stratigraphic concepts
- Core description and wireline-log calibration
- Stratigraphic correlation and reservoir zonation
Outcrop visits, field exercises, and initial model construction: deltaic & shoreface reservoirs
- Field-scale structure and stratigraphy
- Facies association petrophysics, stratigraphic relationships, and dimensions
- Controls on vertical- and horizontal-permeability trends
Outcrop visits, field exercises, continued model construction, and team presentations/discussions: fluvial & shoreface reservoirs
- Sequence-stratigraphic controls on facies distribution
- Methods to optimize model size and cell dimensions
- Facies and petrophysical modeling
Outcrop visits, field exercises, and continued model construction: fluvial reservoirs
- Fluvial sedimentologic and stratigraphic concepts
- Facies modeling: deterministic versus stochastic methods
Geocellular model review and discussion
- Modeling exercise using models representing various depositional environments
- Effects of geologic representation on history-matching
- Forecasting exercise
- Team presentations of modeling and simulation results