Root Cause Failure Analysis and Reliability
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Root Cause Failure Analysis and Reliability Course
Course Objectives:
The key objectives of this training course are as follows:
· Gain a broad understanding and appreciation of the core functional aspects of how to perform an effective Root Cause and Failure Analysis
· Be able to review the six standard maintenance improvement tactics and their selection technique to ensure reliable process plant & equipment
· Learn how to develop a comprehensive operational process resource and support system analysis
· Understand the principles of an operational audit, develop your own process standard
· Gain insight and understanding into the unique leadership and motivation principles required for technical process operation and management
Who Should Attend?
The program should be of interest to:
- Engineering and Technical Managers and Supervisors from any industry
- Maintenance Planners and Coordinators
- Operations and Manufacturing Managers and Supervisors
- Foremen and Team leaders
- Plant Engineers and Process System Managers
- Section Engineers and Planners
Course Outlines:
RCA versus RCFA – Review of Principles
- Problem identification and definition of problems
- Defining your Operational Process
- Terminologies in current use: Integration, Agility, Deviation from Standard
- What is World Class Operations?
- Three knowledge types
- 20 Baseline aspects to consider with RCA as Prime Causes
- Generic Performance Measurement Model of a complex issue – 6 levels
- Single Task performance measurement
- The 10 point Planning Standard and the role of the Planning Department
Basic Cause / Effect Dynamics Tools
- Variability Analysis of Causes
- Application of effective Variability Analysis in order to rate and classify Causes
- Selecting the Optimum maintenance tactic distribution
- Run To Failure (RTF)
- Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
- Time-Based Maintenance (TBM)
- Skills Level Upgrade (SLU)
- Design Out Maintenance (DOM)
- Process Maturity Indexing
Advanced Cause / Effect Analysis
- A range of simple Cause / Effect relationships
- Seven generic relationships between two variables
- More complex modelling techniques
- A “Blueprint” for effective operational practice
- Leadership Development and Motivation of Operations employees
- Maintenance/Operations Process Standards based on regular audits with variable frequencies
- Principles of Information Management
- Definition; Difficulty and Commitment combined to assess Probability of Success
Problem Solving in the Operations Environment
- Problem Solving Techniques and application
- Risk identification, assessment and control
- IERIC-PDI Technique
- RCM – 7 key questions
- The consequence of Functional Failure
- 8 “D’s” and ALARP
- Exercises and Facilitation
Scenario Analysis and Action Plan Development
- Theory of Inventive Problem Solving
- Commercial programs: Pro’s and Con’s
- Addressing delegate problems
- Understanding the complexity - Putting it all together
- Assessment Assignment and program evaluation