Rotating Equipment and Performance Monitoring

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Rotating Equipment and Performance Monitoring Course
Course Objectives:
Upon the successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:‐
· Apply and gain a comprehensive understanding of alignment
· Identify the importance of proper shaft alignment and identify the symptoms of misalignment
· Discuss the foundations, baseplate and piping effects and enumerate various types of couplings, flexible and rigid couplings
· Identify alignment and coupling tolerances and perform the preliminary alignment checks
· Enumerate the different alignment methods(dial indicator and laser ) and state the advantages of each alignment method.
· Apply alignment procedures, analyze mathematical relationships and perform alignment calculations and graphics.
· Carry out adjustments for thermal growth, “hot” alignment vs “cold” alignment and moving machinery in the field
· Evaluate alignment considerations for specific equipment such as; electric motors,
· pumps, gearboxes, compressors, cooling towers, blowers & fans & internal combustion engines
· Prevent misalignment severity and vibrations caused by misalignment.
Who Should Attend?
The training program is designed and targeted to inspection & technical support engineers & supervisors and technicians who are dealing with the operation and maintenance of rotating equipment and who are running alignment and wish to improve their knowledge and skills
Course Outlines:
- What's Alignment?
- The Alignment Process
- Pre‐shutdown preparation
- Prior to Misalignment Measurement
- Base preparation
- Coupling Runout
- Soft Foot
- Piping Strain
Alignment Calculation
- Balance Dial Indicator
- Converting sweep readings
- Formulas for determining Horizontal and Vertical Moves.
Rim and Face Shaft Alignment
Types of Misalignment
- Couplings
- Seals
- Bearings
- Vibration
- Downtime
- Alignment Accuracies
- Pre‐Alignment Procedures and checks
Rim and Face Machine Shaft Alignment
- Rough Alignment
- Precision Alignment
- Rough Horizontal Alignment
- Precise Horizontal Alignment
- Presentation for Final Readings
Double Radial Method.
- Basic Mathematical Equations for the Double Radial Method.
- Modeling the Double Radial Method.
Reverse/Cross Dial Alignment Method.
- Cross dial method
- Rim Dial reading
- Cross Dialing Alignment Graphical Method
How to construct the cross dial Graph,
- Steps in Drawing the Graph
- Horizontal Cross Dial Graph Example.
- Graph Method of Cross Dialing in the Horizontal Plane.
- Cross Dial Measurement Method
- Corrective Moves on MTBM
- Misalignment Limits.
- Angular Error Check.
- Offset Error Check.
- Alignment Error Limitations.
- Cross Dialing Horizontal Plane Alignment Using Formulae
- Comparing Cross Dialing to Reverse Dialing.
Shaft to Coupling Spool Method.
- Basic Mathematical Equations for the Shaft to Coupling Spool Method.
- Modeling the Shaft to Coupling Spool Method.
Laser Shaft Alignment.