Rotating Equipment Reliability Optimization and Continuous Improvement

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Rotating Equipment Reliability Optimization and Continuous Improvement Course
Course Objectives:
The course will concentrate on the problems and solutions surrounding equipment failures, diagnostics and effective methods to prevent them. This results in more efficient plant maintenance, increased operational efficiency, lower operating costs and improved plant availability. Upon the successful completion of the course,
participants will be able to:-
· Recognize the concept of organizing for world class operations particularly the characteristics and steps used toward pacesetter performance
· Explain equipment failure patterns by distinguishing repairable from non-repairable equipment, identifying the types of equipment failure, reviewing why equipment fails and employing actions to minimize failure effect
· Develop in-depth understanding on the maintenance affect on reliability and recognize how maintenance influences equipment performance
· Heighten awareness and understanding on root cause failure analysis (RCFA) including the various types and approaches used in rotating equipment’s
· List down and describe the step by step process of root cause failure analysis (RCFA)
· Know the principle of predictive maintenance and be able to employ the various predictive maintenance techniques and strategies used in rotating equipment’s
· Identify the various types and components of conditioning monitoring techniques and recognize their importance in rotating equipment reliability optimization and continuous improvement
· Understand the concept of optimizing reliability particularly conditioning monitoring and predictive maintenance and be able to identify its components and importance
Who Should Attend?
Managers, Section Heads and Planners Maintenance, Reliability, Machinery and Plant Engineers Maintenance, Reliability, Machinery and Plant Superintendents/Supervisors Maintenance, Plant and PMV Foremen Operations Managers, Engineers and Supervisors
Course Outlines:
· Understanding Failures Machine Failure Analysis Wear And Tribology Fatigue Mechanisms Plain, Tilt-Pad And Anti-Friction Bearing And Seal Failures
· Avoiding Failures Analysis And Identification Of Failures FMEA And FMEA To Identify Failure Modes And Criticality Analysis Trouble Shooting Techniques Statistical Analysis Of Failures Reliability, Availability And Maintainability
· Understanding planned maintenance. Planned Maintenance Concepts Introduction Maintenance Strategies Planned Maintenance – background and history Planned Maintenance Technologies – an overview CMMS – an overview Potential Failure Analysis Deciding which technologies to apply to avoid failures
· Using predictive maintenance vibration Analysis Introduction to Vibration Analysis Frequency Analysis and the Fast Fourier Transform Vibration Transducers Basic Failure Mechanisms with examples Vibration Standards and Alarm Levels Vibration Diagnostics Amplitude Demodulation – aka Enveloping, SSE, HFD, Peak-Vue Vibration on Rolling Element Bearings Resonance – identification & cure Other Predictive Maintenance Techniques Infrared Thermography Thermographic applications Passive Ultrasonics - contact and non-contact Ultrasonic Applications Tribology – oil analysis
· Control mechanisms. Managing Planned Maintenance Performance and Efficiency Monitoring Managing the Planned Maintenance effort Cost Analysis Reporting Techniques Integrating Predictive Maintenance into the Maintenance Plan