Safety Awareness and Landscaping Training
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Safety Awareness and Landscaping Training Course
The program delves extensively into the factors that contribute to human failure.
It examines the organizational factors that can influence human failure, taking into account how these aspects impact individuals' performance.
Additionally, the program explores task-related factors that have the potential to either increase or decrease the likelihood of human failure.
Course Objectives:
Participants attending the program will:
· Understand what Behavior is?
· Know why people are prepared to take unnecessary risk
· Be able to observe and assess Behavior at work
· Understand what is Behavior is?
· Know how to change at-risk Behavior (latent and active).
· Know how to introduce these tools into their organization
· How to improve risk perception within the organization
· Know the seven main categories of human failure
· Know what is a safety culture and how can it be measured and improved;
· Know how to conduct a Safety Culture survey and develop action plans & create continuous improvement
Who Should Attend?
- Line managers at all levels and disciplines in the organization
- HSE Advisors
Course Outlines:
Developing health & Safety management systems to incorporate a behavioral approach
- Course introduction: delegate and tutor introductions; Seminar objectives
- Historical overview of health and safety performance
- Introduction to HSE Management Systems (Plan, Do, Measure and learn)
- Task-based risk assessment and why it doesn’t always work
- Introduction to human error
- The 7 different types of human error
- Overview of Task, organization and Individual aspects that influence human factors
- Case study and syndicate exercise: Challenger & Columbia disasters
Tasks Aspects that Influence Human Factors
- In-depth look at the task aspects that influence human factors
- What shapes and models perception
- A theoretical model of perception at work
- Case studies Kings Cross sub-way fire & Bradford City football club fire
- Analytical techniques for assessing risk perception
- Syndicate exercise
Organizational aspects that influence Human factors
- Roles and accountabilities
- The effect of group pressure on individuals
- Organizational pressure (real and perceived)
- Case study and analysis
- Syndicate exercise (Lessons from Longford compared with Lessons from Flixbourough)
- Changing styles for changing behavior
Individual Aspects that Influence Human Factors
- Introduction to behavioral observations
- Observation systems
- Syndicate exercise Zeebrugge sea disaster and Channel Tunnel rail incident;
- Introduction to culture in the workplace
- Measuring HSE culture (Triangulation using Survey, Interviews and direct observation and feedback)
- Safety Culture Maturity Model
- Action planning for improving culture
Accident Analysis Case Study
- Investigate an incident in the light of Task, Organization and Individual aspects of Human factors
- Review Health and safety management systems in the light of human factors
- Case Study: Piper Alpha offshore disaster working in small groups on accident analysis
- Preparation of action plans, planning and implementing
- Report back and discussion
- Personal action plans, program review and the way ahead
- Defining the System Scope