Safety in Analytical Laboratory Training

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Safety in Analytical Laboratory Training Course
This comprehensive course concentrates on the fundamental ideas and techniques that ought to be applied in the analytical laboratory. It covers emergency protocols, personal hygiene, proper disposal of waste, safety equipment, and safety procedures. An essential component of science is safety, which is covered in this course when it comes to analytical laboratories. Without it, there's a very real chance that experiments could cause fatalities or very serious injuries. As individuals and as members of a group, there are protocols that we should all adhere to in order to minimize the hazards associated with experimentation. It is crucial to follow the right protocols in a variety of scenarios, including handling biological or dangerous materials and planning, carrying out, and cleaning up after experiments.
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to provide a safe and healthy laboratory environment to all laboratory occupants through the establishment and maintenance of a Comprehensive Laboratory Safety Program. The General Laboratory Safety Manual provides control measures essential for protecting all laboratory occupants from common hazards found in the laboratory.
These controls consist of but are not limited to, policies, guidelines, training requirements, standard operating procedures, personal protective equipment, and laboratory audits.
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Aware about safety rules in analytical laboratory
- Recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees
- Understanding standard operating procedure of analytical laboratory
- Knowledge about the Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories
- Learn standard laboratory control measures
- Recognize safe handling requirements in the analytical laboratory
Who Should Attend?
This course is intended for all Laboratory Managers, Quality Managers, Laboratory Section Heads, Laboratory Chemists, Laboratory Technicians and other laboratory personnel.
Course Outlines:
Scope and Application
- Environmental Health and Risk Management
- General Laboratory Safety Manual Objective
- Comprehensive Laboratory Safety Program
- Record Keeping
Standard Operating Procedures
- General Safety Guidelines
- Eating, Drinking, and Smoking
- Housekeeping and Maintenance
- Hazardous Waste Storage and Disposal
- Spills and Accident Reporting
- Audits
Standard Laboratory Control Measures
- Hygiene Practices
- Ventilation
- Safety Equipment
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Activities Subject to Approval
Safe Handling Requirements in the Laboratory
- Hazard Identification
- Labeling
- Compressed Gas Hazards
Emergency and Medical Procedures
- Basic Emergency Response
- Injury and Illness
- Medical Consultation and Examinations