SATAAD Pro: Analysis and Design Program

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SATAAD Pro: Analysis and Design Program Course
This course offers a general overview of STAAD Pro 2005. It shows the procedures that must be followed in order to generate the structural analyses of various building kinds. The course also focuses on the various program outputs and how to interpret, view, and ultimately produce the required reports from them.
Course Objectives:
This course is intended to overview modern procedures for structural analysis using different software. The course may be attended by civil engineers involved in the design. Each participant may draw on the elements of the course that most complement his area of interest and practice. For those engineers with limited design experience, the course will provide ample illustration of real structures that may assist the designer to understand STAAD Pro and apply it to different types of buildings. Different types of editing data to STAAD Pro will be discussed, and the easiest way to deal with it will be reached. The wide range of issues to be discussed, revolve around the use of STAAD Pro in structural Analysis of different types of structures. The examples to be used would vary from the typical two-dimensional beams and frames to the three-dimensional multistory frames to special systems such as space frames and three-dimensional slabs and raft foundations. Throughout the course, the instructor shall start from the basics to allow ensuring the full participation and comprehension of all attendants, bearing in mind variations in the background from education to practice.
Who Should Attend?
Geotechnical engineers, structural engineers, consulting engineers, design engineers, field engineers, technicians and technologists, and other individuals who need to build background on slope stability analyses and design. The course is also best suited for civil engineers, engineering geologists, soil scientists, city and public works officials, city planners, and other design professionals who deal with construction-related slope stability and stabilization issues.
Course Outlines:
- The stiffness method as an introduction to the finite element method.
- The finite element method used by most of the used software.
- Presentation of some available multi-purpose finite element computer packages used in the design market.
- Introduction to STAAD Pro 2005, computer requirements, and size.
- Different methods of analysis.
- Creating a new file with STAAD Pro, 2007.
- Recognizing STAAD Pro, screen (Menu bar, toolbar, title bar, modes …etc.
- Dealing with an existing file.
- Geometry
- This module contains:
- Defining Nodes, Beams, and Plates.
- Arrangement of the input file.
- Using Structure Wizard to create Geometry
- using drafting to create Geometry
- Using Copy/Cut with Paste to create Geometry
- Using Spreadsheet to create Geometry
- Using DXF importing to create Geometry
- Analysis of two-dimensional continuous beams.
- Loads affecting beam elements.
- Analysis of two-dimensional frames and trusses.
- Loads affecting frames.
- Analysis of three-dimensional frames and trusses.
- Loads affecting frames and trusses.
- Analysis of plate elements (slabs, flat slabs)
- Loads affecting plate elements.
- Dealing with output data
- Review of the design concept of steel structures.
- Review of the design concept of reinforced concrete structures.
- Review of the design codes used by STAAD Pro 2005 of steel structures.
- Review of the design codes used by STAAD Pro 2005 of reinforced concrete
- Case study of steel building ( space truss frame structure)
- Case study of the reinforced concrete building (3D slab floor with stairs)
- Case study of different buildings ( Water Tank)