Engineering and Maintenance
Smart Grids and Energy Managements Systems
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Smart Grids and Energy Managements Systems Course
Course Objectives:
How You Will Benefit?
- Study the control and operation of modern power systems
- Review hardware architectures (SCADA, IEDs, computers, and communication components), communication software, applications software, and user interfaces
- Examine real-time control functions performed by modern energy management systems
- Review modern user interfaces and visualization methods and discuss new needs and emerging practices imposed by deregulation and open access
Who Should Attend?
- Electric power utility engineers in energy management system design, ISO or RTO design, operations, and planning studies
- Consulting and manufacturing engineers
- Engineers with equipment supply companies of hardware/software components for energy management systems
- Engineers involved in utility work
- University power system educators and graduate students
Course Outlines:
Modern Energy Management Systems
- EMS Description
- Substation Automation/SCADA
- Communication Issues/Standards
- Functions
- Applications Software
- Integration of PMU Technologies
- Current Practices and Trends
- Impact of Recent Legislation
- Independent Operation (ISO, RTO)
- Data Standardization
- Visualization Tools
- On-Line Information Systems
State Estimation
- Justification
- Least Square Methods
- Bad Data Detection and Rejection
- Quality of State Estimation
- PMU Based State Estimation
- Remote Calibration
- State Estimation for RTOs
Economic Operation
- Overview
- Unit Heat Rate Characteristics
- Operating Constraints
- Prohibited Zones
- Emissions
- Non-dispatchable Generation (Wind, Solar)
- Power Market Operations
- Spot Prices, ATC, TLR , FTR, & FGR
- Power Transaction Evaluation
- Short Term Load Forecasting
- Unit Commitment
Network Security
- Real Time Model
- External Network Modeling
- Congestion Management
- Static Security Assessment
- Simultaneous Transfer Capability
- Reactive Power Control
- Optimal Power Flow
- Contingency Ranking and Analysis
- Security Controls
- Dynamic Security Assessment
- Effects of Load Dynamics
- Ancillary Services Markets
The Smart Grid
- Business Drivers
- Smart Grid Definition
- Smart Grid Characteristics
- Architecture/On-Going Challenges
Modern SCADA Systems
- Overview and Evolution
- Substation Automation & Integration
- System Architectures/RTUs/IEDs/PMUs
- SCADA functions in an Integrated Environment
- Operation/Non Operational Data
- Analog/Digital Data
- Alarm/Event Processing
- Standards -the IEC 61850
- Modern SCADA System
- Asset Optimization
- Monitoring & Diagnostics (transformer, breaker)
- Fault Locating
- Migration Issues
Distribution Management System