Specification, Standards and Maintenance for Electrical Overhead Transmission Line including Hardware and Accessories

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Specification, Standards and Maintenance for Electrical Overhead Transmission Line including Hardware and Accessories Course
Electricity companies have the responsibility to supply consumers with electricity at the most cost-effective rate while ensuring safety. Power cables and overhead lines are vital assets for these companies, requiring regular maintenance and monitoring to anticipate and prevent faults or failures. High-voltage transmission is employed (typically 110 kV or higher) to minimize energy loss during long-distance transmission, often utilizing overhead power lines. Underground power transmission, although more expensive and operationally limited, is sometimes used in urban areas or sensitive locations. A significant challenge in power distribution is the inability to store electrical energy, necessitating real-time generation to match demand.
Course Objectives:
At the completion of the course, participants are expected to have gained knowledge and experience on selection, installation, operation, maintenance, construction, patrolling, and monitoring of overhead lines.
Who Should Attend?
- Electrical engineers
Course Outlines:
· Overall Planning.
· Electric requirement and design.
· Electric parameters.
· Lightning protection.
· Earthling.
· Requirements on loading and strength.
· Selection of conductors.
· Earth wire selection.
· Insulators.
· Overhead line fittings
· Conductor Vibrations.
· Supports.
· Foundations.
· Sag and Tension Calculations.
· Route selection and detailed line design.
· Construction.
· Commissioning operation and line management.