Laboratory Operations, Analyzers, R&D, R&T
Standards Method for Water and Waste Water Analysis
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Standards Method for Water and Waste Water Analysis Course
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student is able to:
- Know the essential analysis tests which should be carried on water and wastewater samples.
- Know the best-required analysis techniques for both chemical and biological analysis of water
and wastewater samples. - Know the various ways of chemical and instrumental analysis techniques used in an analytical laboratory.
- Demonstrate understanding of properly techniques of potentiometric, spectrometric and colorimetric
analysis techniques. - Know the best water and wastewater quality required for drinking, domestic, and generally used water.
- Know and explain the standard microbiological tests and analysis carried on water and wastewater
samples as total coliform, COD, BOD, DO, and TOC. - Heavy metal analysis as Mercury, Lead, Copper, Tin, and others.
- Interpret the importance of membrane filtration tests and solid analysis.
- Interpret and discuss the analysis result reports
Who Should Attend?
This course is Suitable For Biologists, Microbiologists, Water Services, Supervisors, Chemists, Team Leader Water & Power, Physics Analysts, and Technicians. Further, Also, Other Professionals Who Want A Better Understanding Of The Subject Matter.
Course Outlines:
- Potentiometric Analysis
- Explain the concept of potentiometric analysis. Demonstrate an understanding of the techniques required to properly use electronic potentiometric laboratory instrumentation by using the proper methodology in the use of various potentiometric instruments for the examination of water and/or wastewater according to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater and/or EPA approved methods. Demonstrate proper sampling scheduling, collection, and preservation techniques.
- Spectroscopic & Colorimetric Analysis Explain the concept of spectroscopic analysis. Demonstrate an understanding of the techniques required to properly use spectrophotometers and/or colorimeters by using the proper methodology in the use of various spectroscopic instruments and colorimeters for the examination of water and/or wastewater according to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater and/or EPA approved methods. Demonstrate proper sampling scheduling, collection, and preservation techniques.
- Microbiological Analysis Explain the concept of microbiological analysis. Demonstrate an understanding of the techniques required to properly use microbiological equipment and supplies by conducting an analysis of water samples. Demonstrate aseptic technique and proper sterilization procedures.
- Demonstrate the proper methodology for membrane filtration, confirmation tests, and/or other applicable techniques for the examination of water and/or wastewater according to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater and/or EPA approved methods. Demonstrate proper sampling scheduling, collection, and preservation.
- Solids Analysis Explain the concept of solids analysis. Demonstrate an understanding of the techniques required to properly analyze solids by using the proper methodology in the use of various solids analysis equipment set-ups for the examination of water and/or wastewater according to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater and/or EPA approved methods. Demonstrate proper sampling scheduling, collection, and preservation.
- Water & Wastewater Analysis (Water Quality)
- Sampling:
- • Equipment
- • Collection
- • Preservation & Handling
- Physic Chemical Analysis:
- Analytical Procedure:
- Quantitative Analysis (Gravimetric/Volumetric/Colorimetric)
- Types of analysis:
- Mineral Analysis: Physical Parameters & significant anions & cations
- Demand analysis: COD/TOC/BOD/DO/Permanganate Value
- Nutrient Analysis: Nitrogen (Total/ammonia/nitrite/nitrate)/ Phosphorous).
- Heavy Metal Analysis: Covering of heavy metals analysis by different methods along with sample pretreatment.
- Case Study Analyze one or more sets of water samples, using proper sampling and analysis techniques. Analyze water samples and interpret the results of the analysis using critical thinking skills. Communicate the results of each investigation in a written report and/or presentation.
- Minimal standards of performance for receiving 1 hour of semester credit from York Technical College are indicated by achieving a 60 percent average on all evaluation instruments used in the course performance evaluation strategy. Students must achieve a 70% average for this course to transfer to other programs, such as the Environmental Science or Analytical Chemistry program